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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Finally got the boat out of Burnham on Sea for the first time in 2 months. Just a short one over high, weather was fantastic but the fishing was average. 5 hounds, eels, thornies, dogs, a topelet and a nice bass to my uncle of 7-12. Great to be out again and I have a charter tomorrow from Lyme Regis and a shark trip in West Wales next Thursday so hopefully get out a bit more now.
  2. Don’t think so it’s more to do with currents I think and how they change slightly. Algae blooms are common and we have a May bloom most years. I have seen similar off West Wales and it can fuck the fishing up. It is all part of the food chain so a necessary evil.
  3. Unlucky mate but top effort again. That Coomber fish looks great, must be a pretty rare catch. I've just spent an hour and a half mixing chum for our trip down in September. Algae should be clearing now as they have had it for a few weeks now
  4. Further east around Portsmouth and Weymouth they only used to net them on the neaps as the tide run is a lot stronger around there. Don't know if that's still the case though as the fish become scarce they will take more risks to fill the boat
  5. Do they net the wrecks on all tide sizes or just the neaps down your way. Also how often do they retrieve them and do they just reset them or rotate the wrecks?
  6. It’s the fact the spots go all the way to the edge of the wings that make me think blonde. If you check out most fish id sites that is the main way of distinguishing between a blonde. Either way still a pretty fish.
  7. to be honest my moneys on a small blonde
  8. Dicky


    Couple of cracking huss there Luke
  9. Forgot to put a report up from last weekend. We had a junior comp on Sunday, just a short one over high water. 4 boats with 8 juniors took part. Plenty of fish caught for all. Lots of rays, straps, dogs and hounds. We managed 6 hounds on our boat and my daughter took 3rd with her biggest of around 13lb. It was great to have them out on the boat again and a nice bbq and pint afterwards at the clubhouse. Happy days
  10. Dicky


    Good effort Josh and great to hear the macky are showing.
  11. Deffo a blonde although in the picture the spots don't look as obvious.
  12. That's a cracking looking Bownie. The Coln is a nice river.
  13. Short trip yesterday just me and my brother on our boat and 1 other club boat out. No joy on our bass mark with just the usual dogs, thornbacks and eels though I did have one nice conger of 19lb 5oz. Moved further down channel to the same mark as the week before but very slow, probably in some part due to the small tide. Repositioned on to the other side of the bank for the ebb and instantly my brother had a nice blonde of 14lb 13oz. I then had a decent hound around 13lb and fishing was a lot better. I lost a better eel at the back of the boat around the 25lb mark then it was time to up anchor and get back to the beach. A decent day out in the sun in the end.
  14. Had a club comp out of Burnham last Sunday, 8 boats with 13 seniors and 1 junior booked in. It started off flat but was grey and damp. We started off looking for a bass but fishing was slow with just rays, dogs and straps. Eventually my uncle hooked into something a bit better and after a spirited fight a hound 9lb broke the surface. Shortly after I had 2 bass in quick succession but then it went dead for a while so time for a move. A quick blast 4 miles down channel put us on another bank looking for hounds. Loads of dogs followed with a few rays a and straps but we did get another 3 hounds. Just after low the wind picked up and it became a bit uncomfortable so a move closer to home just off Hinkley Point was made. This was fairly poor with just the odd fish so that was it for the day. At the weigh in my brothe4 won the comp wi5h one of his hounds of 10lb 1oz and my uncle took second with a doggie. Unfortunately neither of my bass made the 22” minimum size.
  15. i would say around £800 would be average for a days sharking. i would go either West Wales or cornwall for a charter
  16. How the fuck do you not know your mot run out in October? if you had an accident and your vehicle was at fault mechanically you could be looking at a stretch lol
  17. Our boat is kept on the drive on a trailer and fuel costs are negatable compared to all the other costs. We average probably less than 30 litres of petrol a trip so a average trip now only costs about £15 more in petrol than 10 years ago. Squid has gone up more in price over that period!!
  18. It's basically a stainless triangle with a small loop welded on one point. You attach it to your anchor rode between the buoy and the bow of the boat. It stops the buoy being pushed up under the boat and keeps it up tide where you can see it. Makes it easier to take a wide berth when retrieving using the Alderney method. I have looked online but can't find a picture of one. I have heard of people using a stick with a couple of hitches around it to keep in place.
  19. Dicky

    BOS 15/4/22

    Stay over your side!! we already have to put up with you lot nicking our cod in the winter, leave our bass alone 🤪😁
  20. All's well that ends well. Do you have a triangle on the rode to keep the buoy well in front of the boat?
  21. Another day out of Burnham on Sea yesterday, started off in flat seas and a short 25 knot steam to a local mark looking for a bass. Bit of a slow start but a few rays and dogs showed then I had 2 bass one after the other around the 3 1/4 pound mark. Few more doga, straps and thornbacks then another bass of similar size. No bites for half an hour so time for a move down past Watchet. Dog city here with just the odd ray or a conger and a hound just under doubles for me. The wind picked up and went westerly so moved back to the first mark and it was pretty busy with the usual suspects but did get another bass of 4-4 so happy days
  22. First day out on the boat since January yesterday. Expectations weren’t too high as very small tides and east winds but it was my first chance for ages to get afloat so just happy to be out. Early start with my bro picking me up at 4am (3 am in reality) for a 6am launch. There were 3 boats out and once we were all launched we headed off down to a bank around 10 miles down channel. The conditions deteriorated as we got further out and by the time we got the anchor down it was quite lumpy. A few rays soon came to the boat and the odd doggie but after a couple of hours we decided on a move closer inshore to another bank to see if it was more comfortable. Here it was flat calm and the sea bed must have been carpeted with rays. At least 4 times I had thornbacks on all 3 rods at the same time. We must have had over 50 rays between us in a few hours along with a few straps and dogs. It was mostly small males but I did have a decent female thornie which went 11-8. Again the winds picked up so we spent the last hour and a half in the river looking for a bass with just the 1 bite to me which was my first silver of the year at 3-6. Overall a great day in some challenging conditions.
  23. isn't 30/70kg a bit overkill for bass, that big game gear😁
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