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Saintly Fish

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Saintly Fish last won the day on August 29

Saintly Fish had the most liked content!


About Saintly Fish

  • Birthday 07/17/1973

Boat name

  • Boat name: Tarlach Too


  • Location: Southampton.

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  1. Can't beat an angry Huss!! Well done on the placing as well, what were the prizes?
  2. By attaching a small 2oz weight and holding the swivel it does make things a tad easier as you only have to untangle the snoods, and not the main body too.
  3. Yeah, I find 3 hook flappers always manage to do a good impression of 6 hook length flappers!
  4. With pre made rigs I find if you attach a small weight to it before taking off the twist wrap then they fall nicely without tangle. Trouble is I always forget to do it 😬
  5. No, he had long hair!
  6. It's not a Paul Weller night, you do know that right? These are not Oasis cuts!!
  7. Saintly Fish


    @Matt welcome to the Outlaws. Don't be shy, and will wait to see pics of your next venture out to sea. Do you have plans for that yet?
  8. But if you catch and land one at the base of a cliff AND beach it, how do you get it up? If you can't, surely a beast that size would squash its innerds before you could picture and release? How do they release if beach anyway?
  9. If that thing isn't taken home somehow then the guy who caught it needs shooting!!
  10. Yep, and Pete here is the grand poobar of alternate spelling!! 🤣
  11. If you're paying that much dosh nothing except an earthquake or the end of the world would get in the way! I'd look at July though.
  12. Did you not read propa ? 2025 is booked already!!
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