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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Still nothing from @JDP??
  2. What weather app do you use? XCWeather is a good reliable source.
  3. I've heard rice is a good bait for bream. Personally I've never tried it. You?
  4. Not a bad return for the day! You were lucky to get out Nick.
  5. Only a perv would think like that! Now go sew your Mack pockets back up.
  6. I have one of these, yet to discover if it works well or not. In the strong tides of the Solent I'd guess all the bait just washes away. Slack water tool I reckon.
  7. I'd never do anything like that, what's my name @Andy135??
  8. That's what I meant. What did you think I meant?
  9. I'd imagine any kind of head wind is an issue for you @mike farrants?
  10. 74 points for me this week. Get you some off that!! 👍🏻
  11. I was thinking more of the weight of the boat. Your weight would be marginal. Being a semi D boat like mine I'd think you sit deeper in the water, so not as prone to the wind as say a Merry Fisher.
  12. But surely the weight counteracts that?
  13. Ok so, due to an administrative error (who knew that different parts of the country have different half term holiday weeks?), @suzook12and his son are now unable to make the trip. So it's now just @mick, myself and Leo who are going. There is space available should anybody wish to take Steves places.
  14. The call is really up to you @daio web, I'm sure you know what your boat and yourself can stand? But anything with 20mph winds is normally a no no. Unless it's a northerly wind (on the Solent).
  15. If your wrecking trip is off why not jump in with us on Ocean Runner? I mean the Feb trip not your bday weekend. Or you could be a proper ledge and do both!! (Like me).💪🏻
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