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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I'm not sure that buying a boat comes with a wide load warning for switches?
  2. Don't worry Luke, looks like they will be back......
  3. I remember that. Hadn't the guy literally just replaced his water inlet hose and your but squashed it by activating the pump when the seacock was closed?
  4. And another which holds comprehensive info on your engine. https://everythingaboutboats.org/
  5. I'm sure he will be along soon. Even @Geoffmight have a nugget of info? He's older than the hills so chances are he helped design it or something.
  6. I'd hazard a guess @suzook12 may know something?
  7. I bet the winter months turns into the summer months too. Especially seeing as he still has his lovely views.
  8. Welcome to the Outlaws @daio web. We (the SLT) hope you enjoy the site and muck in as much as possible. Looking forward to your catch reports! BTW, where/how did you come across us?
  9. Don't take too much stuff to carry them Pete, it's a 15min walk to the boat from there.
  10. I'm having a proper polish job done this time not a wise boy chancer waving a mop at it then declaring a done job. Ive not done anything yet apart from collect the anodes etc in readiness. I plan to get down this weekend (Sunday morning) and do a couple of hours. I used some white grease on the prop and shaft last season, not sure really if it had a benefit though.
  11. Probably a better place to be!
  12. The other was too/to cryptic for you.
  13. Justice has been served! There's been some scumbag called Callum known as Cal going round breaking in to people's houses near me for months, but the police couldn't catch him. The weirdest thing about it all, was he was breaking into people's houses and ruining their washing machines by putting bricks into them & turning them on whilst helping himself to whatever he wanted!!!!! Really weird if you ask me... Anyway, just read in the local paper that he was found dead in an alley because of a drug overdose.. It's never nice hearing of someone's death, but on the bright side, washing machines live longer with Cal gone...
  14. Do you fall into the "everyone over 61+" category then Steve?
  15. A Bride on her wedding night says to her husband, " I must confess I used to be a hooker" He says "Thats a bit of a shock Darling, but I must admit I find it quite erotic. Tell me about it" She says, " Well, my name was Nigel and I played for Wigan"
  16. 8mm is probably over kill. I only use 6mm on my 4 tonne boat. But I use 20m of it.
  17. Not bad for you Luke, although more topical than humorous. 6/10
  18. Yep sometimes too much detail is just that. Too much.
  19. When you anchor you can make a "mark" on your plotter and then assign an alarm to it. If you drift away from your mark the alarm will go off. Drifting an anchor can happen also if you drop the anchor down too fast, especially when there is not too much tide. The anchor gets buried under chain and does not set itself. What you can get into is dropping the anchor until you feel/see slack on the rope, then reverse the boat a bit to set the anchor. Then pay out more rope. A nice 45deg rope angle I find is best !
  20. @mike farrantsdid say they were catching up with their leads. Id go double boat length with the chain!! Great conger and lovely report. 👍🏻
  21. Well done Mike. I personally love catching congers. Being the only fish that can swim backward they put a proper bend in the rod!
  22. If you do sell the boat and you want to come to the Solent and blank, you'll be most welcome on Tarlach Too!
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