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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Nice going Scott. 👍🏻 Shame about the tope however!!
  2. @jonnyswampim sure you are aware but I'll mention it any way (just incase). If you buy a house to do up you will be liable for CGT if you don't live in it for at least 6 months. This is on top of any tax you'll make if you turn a profit in the form of a business. Personal tax too I believe if not done in the form of a business. Ive done 4 houses in the past before the house we are in now, we lived and registered for council tax in all of them. Then no tax to be paid. But I'm sure you'd thought of that .
  3. Is that to allow the house move or does the house move allow for a bigger boat??
  4. Did you get to the bottom of this issue @jonnyswamp?
  5. Yes it's not much weight. On a 4 tonne vessel a 2.5ltr tin weighs nothing. Also some does wear off, but not like sacrificial stuff.
  6. Ok for @mike farrantsand @Geoff(and anybody else). Find your AF of choice (I use Hempel hard). Poor 1/5 of the tin into another container that is of similar size to a mixing bowl. Then take the oxides, I use and these bottles last me 2-3 seasons. Slowly, with a fine sieve add the oxide powders into the separated AF. I use the wife's best whisk... Add the powders in small quantities whilst whisking, don't do too much at a time because it will clump up and make it harder to apply. Once you have added all the oxide and got the mix nice and smooth but thick, add the remaining AF (still whisking). You will end up with an AF with the consistency of Tomato ketchup. Then apply. You will find that it spreads nice and thick so usually one coat is enough. If doing for the first time though do two coats. No point doing any of this if you use self eroding AF for obvious reasons.
  7. For all those who ordered, the supplier has got back to me today to say that the order has been lost by the courier. It should have been with me early last week. He promises that they will arrive early next week. Apologies for the delays.
  8. Yes but £4k to apply properly to a boat my size. When copper oxide and zinc oxide costs pennies. And gives the same result!
  9. I mix copper and zinc oxide powder into my AF. I've been doing this for a few years now and it seems to work pretty good. I use a hard AF instead of an eroding one, this means I only need a quick single coat before relaunch. The transducers are not coated in the same AF because I'm worried about plastics degradation. So I use a standard primer then a transducer AF. Obviously it's not as good!
  10. Funny, I was just thinking the same this morning. It's been a while!
  11. No hull anode just rudder, prop and thruster. Do you really thread lock the bolt ?
  12. Took Tarlach Too round to a neighbouring MDL marina this morning ready for her lift out and maintenance. I was curious to see how the AF from this time last year had faired. And tbh it was alright. A bit of weed on the transducers, but that was it. The hull had a layer of slime but nothing that causes any real drag. But saying that it has the effect of loosing 100rpm and 2 knotts (imagine that @mike farrants 😱). The rudder anode was surprisingly only 1/4 eaten away. But, the prop and thruster anodes were completely gone. Now could this be the sacrificial aspect or just that the bolts came undone?? No bolts evident, I'd of imagined that even if the anode had completely worn away, the bolt would still be there??? Any way, the thruster tunnel repair I had done last year has stood up so I'm well chuffed about that! Now to anti foul get and get the polishing done for hull and all top sides. Also getting some grazing ground out and refilled. It's not a major issue but one little cosmetic job that's been bothering me. Also need to get a plate made up for the anchor to rest upon when fully retracted.
  13. Yes I suppose sediment churned up by the ferry will be an issue. Maybe slack at high water!
  14. Well done Mike. we have town quay in Southampton where the isle of white ferry leaves from, that is all stilted structure. Might have to give it a go some time. It's a good sole mark too!
  15. That's fair. Somebody else on here should take a leaf from your book!! 🤫
  16. I don't reckon the squid know it's January Mike. Probably more to do with the still warm water. Good luck. Will you be using luminous lures? Have you taken your boat (slowly) to any marks and shone a bright torch into the water vertically? I hear this is a good way of attracting them!
  17. For me going "offshore" just isn't a viable option on a regular basis at least. This is due to the location of where I live. Being in the middle (east to west) of the Solent means I have to travel approximately an hour in either direction to clear the confines of the north coast of the Isle of Wight. But, having said that there is not much there that can't be caught in the Solent. The exceptions are Tope, Spurdog, blonde rays (they may be in the Solent but I've never heard of them there), turbot and big conger. All my PB fish have come from what you guys would call inshore marks, 15lb cod (5 minutes from the Hamble river), 17lb smooth hound (from the shore), 10lb 8oz bass, and a 20lb undulate ray (25 mins). So, do I NEED to go offshore?? No I don't. But I LIKE to for the change of scenery.
  18. That knot is the same as the one I use for joining main line to a rubbing leader. Pretty easy to do I just never thought of using it as a hook length. Suppose you can make flappers in the same way.
  19. CAn just imagine you out there in your dressing gown and a birch branch giving it a jolly good thrashing!!
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