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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Either that or we get the skipper to fill the other spaces with outsiders 🥺
  2. @Saintly Fish + 1 @JonC + 1 @Andy135 @captin slows old outlaw @mike farrants @Andy_B are now the remaining members attending. We need 2-3 more. If not it will be £107 each, I'm ok with that as we will have more space, but others may not.
  3. But you did ask to go. This is our re arranged trip from November.
  4. Kudos to you Ian for going out in an open boat in 1deg. Don't think I'd fancy it tbh, I'm too used to a heated cab and a coffee machine! Plus you look like the Michelin man in that suit. Bet it's snug though.
  5. We now have two spare spaces for this trip if anybody is interested in stepping in??
  6. It northerlies which in the Solent means game on!!
  7. Take plenty of end tackle!! And I mean plenty. If it's your first time you'll need it.
  8. Nice one Mike. You had another good day out. Can't think of a decent quip about your speed in Pugwash as yet, but I'll pop back later!!
  9. What depth were you in? I find south of the brambles in about 50-60ft is most productive.
  10. Sounds like you had a good fun day! where abouts on the bramble did you fish?
  11. Yep he had 3 in total. By all accounts that means (in his world) that he out fished me again 😬
  12. Well as the weather has been so nice it was rude not to go out and bash some more fish. First mate LB and I left the Hamble at 8am and headed for West lepe bouy about a mile shy of lymington. Once I'd got the anchor set properly (it got twisted in the chain first attempt at slack water)we dropped baits down and soon realised that we had landed directly above the kennels. Dogs on the prowl jumping on baits with gay abandon before they'd even had time to settle on the bottom. The score was 5 all before Leo had his PB (?) snake. A nice strap of about 7lb gave him some fun. It was bleeding a fair bit so it went quickly back in without a photo. Then a few different bites started, whiting showed up as the tide eased and I landed (probably) my biggest whiting to date. It went to 2lb on the boga. After a PN break, we carried on with the whiting and dogs. And Leo also managed a double hit of starfish. And that was pretty much it. A nice gentle day out with my favourite son, it was a bit chilly but nothing us men couldn't handle!! 💪🏻 As is now routine, Leo took us home, at WOT of course 🙄. So for a special treat I allowed him 15 mins of coming along side practice in the river, lots of boats off their mid river pontoons so it was a perfect opportunity. And I'm happy to report no damage caused!! Now just got to keep fingers crossed that next Friday stays calm.
  13. You know me, I'd rather sit in the shadows than blow my own trumpet on centre stage! ☺️
  14. Pout (being cousins of cod) are actually very nice fish to eat. They just don't ever come in a size that warrants eating. Well, not for human sized dinners anyway, too much fuss to prep them. But boil one up for a Labrador and he's you're friend for life!!
  15. No, but that's also one you left out. I was thinking more about who caught the two trophy fish!! These details are missing from your report, maybe you're just tired??
  16. There is around 4-5mph more wind tomorrow than today. Today was starting to rough up a bit after lunch. Hence I have decided to stay in the shelter of the Solent.
  17. Great day out again today mate, thanks for redeeming your skipper skills and actually finding some quarry this time! 💪🏻 I can remember the last time we had a busy day such as today!! Here are a few more pics for @JonC and others. It was a cold start at 06.15. Oh yeah and it seems that you forgot to mention the two most important facts of the day!!
  18. Where have you decided on? I will be at West Lepe Bouy from around 8.30am.
  19. The scientific test results are in, and the findings are that muppets do not put fish off!!
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