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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I did however catch a shit load of mackerel this season....
  2. Nothing to be sorry about Geoff. I have a wife and child that like to go cruising in the boat at the weekends. So, my fishing is more limited now than ever before! Hence the smaller numbers.
  3. There is nothing to see here, move along great uncle Geff.
  4. Well I've emailed the supplier and asked for snood and mask prices.
  5. That's @JonC waiting for his discount code to come through.
  6. Ok, so who wants a snood that they can wear in the shops and sweat their bollox off in??
  7. Well, yes. But were we to know back then that it'd still be here?? And I never claimed it to be my idea now did I ginge.
  8. Seeing as this covid business is not going away anytime soon, would there be any interest in a branded face mask?? Will most probably need a few interested to make it worth while.
  9. Not if you don't work in front of a PC there isn't.
  10. Just remortgage, spread the cost over 20 years. Then you can buy mine off me!!
  11. 90% down tide Scott. I've tried up tiding but I'm not great at it.
  12. Actually Geoff this is all incorrect. Mercedes did not bring Lewis in because under normal rules ALL the lapped cars are allowed to re pass the leaders under the safety car. In this race only the first 5 lapped cars were allowed to pass. This was because race director wanted a car race for the final lap. But, this unfortunately was in breach of the regulations. If ALL the lapped cars un lapped themselves under safety car conditions Lewis would have won because the race would not have had enough laps left. Mercedes based their team decision on the rule book being followed to the letter. That is what they are upset about, the fact that the race director did not allow normal race conditions to continue, which then unfairly handed the advantage to Verstapen.
  13. Please Listen to the government advice.. please put on those masks...they work... It saved a good friend of mines life yesterday... He was in the pub with his girlfriend and then his wife walked in and did not recognise him...saved his life from being hell..lol😃
  14. Well yeah, now that it's time the stabilisers were taken off!
  15. So what's the requirements for the next boat? We can start looking for you!
  16. Well done Mike. To be honest, you've been the most impressive member of the outlaws this past year. From the nerves about buying to watching your catches get better and better. Good on you. And all the best for you and your next new boat in 2022!!
  17. You two nerds really are quite anal about this aren't you! I made my changes for the next GW Saturday evening, mainly because I forgot that Sunday matches were still to be played but hey ho!!
  18. The guy on the end looks a bit deflated with his umbrella!!
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