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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. You could always eBay the old unit. Seeing as its fully functioning atm somebody will buy it!
  2. Nigerian postal service is notoriously slow though. It's a long way for the postie to walk.
  3. That's a shame. Some people are just not trust worthy.
  4. Lewis was robbed. Mercedes had strategised for the race to finish behind the pace car, which it would have done if the rules about lapped cars unlapping themselves before the pace car came in was followed correctly. I think this win will be over ruled in the courts.
  5. These young bucks should take inspiration from your selfless attitude!
  6. Yes, well done @JonC for sorting out the issues.
  7. @suzook12 and @mick, the date has been set for Thursday 24th February. It may be either anchoring for Spur dog, rays and conger, or wrecking. Put it in your diaries. Anybody else who would like to join, there will be 5 places available (at the moment).
  8. I'd start with a jumper if your that cold! these look more fun though admittedly.
  9. 🤫 don't ruin it for me, I'm taking it slow.
  10. No I didn't think you were saintly, that's MY job (and one I do rather well). It just nice that you keep in touch with the elder family members. Some don't bother, unless there is inheritance involved. 🤔
  11. Nice one Nick. Bet the free cod tasted all the better !!
  12. Dont waste your time Brian, Jon is doing it for you all on his own!
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