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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I was just about to add also, that the one plaice I did catch was on a naked hook length. No bling. But it was moving, on a drift. I don't think bling really matters, worm quality and hook positioning and size is more critical.
  2. Around here it's a spoon, and black/green beads. Use a clock weight to stir up the seabed. Small hooks with a large ragworm, some tip with prawn or squid. I've never caught a decent one, biggest about 1/2lb
  3. Seems like it's only shit jokes that are allowed on here, so thought I'd toe the line. You know, keep @Geoff happy!!
  4. Not great when daddy brakes hard and cuts his own head off!! 🤯
  5. Oh ok, I didn't realise you could just re paint over the old stuff. I'd have thought you'd need to go back to Grp and start again.
  6. Well done on getting out. I take it you didn't go out in Pugwash?
  7. Why are you painting when you have CC?
  8. So what does trapped between furniture and fittings mean?? It's a bit vague!
  9. Good going, I can't wait to get out!
  10. That's a nice dark Huss, he looks proper angry!!
  11. Good one Mike, you're lucky to get out. Well done!
  12. Hope all is well and you can get out soon Dave!
  13. I second this. I can't even remember what my boat looks like it's been so long, and it's all your fault @Captain Sensible !!
  14. Yeah you're correct Geoff. The milk chocolate ones are so much better! 👍🏻
  15. Well if it's good enough for Jack Sparrow why not Bond!!
  16. @Malc did you receive the SLT birthday card ok??
  17. Yep, a full service is about £3k bi annual. Plus the engine service.
  18. But not enough to cover the servicing costs annually.
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