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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I'm surprised they don't fall out.
  2. You see, you have no concept of a decent steak. You over cook it AND add a jus to enhance flavour. A proper cut of steak that's cooked well (Blu/rare) needs nothing else to be perfect! 😝
  3. Never used or seen one. And adding wine (or any sauce) to a steak is a crime punishable by death in my house! Steak has enough great natural flavour without the need for masking. Next you're (spelt correctly) going to tell me you like steak cooked and not raw?
  4. Prawns I love @JDP, I was referring to the roast dinner! #youmustreadproper
  5. Yep, how weird is that? If you go out to eat, have something you can't get at home!
  6. My worst nightmare! I hate them, not that they taste that bad, just I was force fed them every week as a kid. Now I can afford to buy my own food, it's the absolute last thing I'll eat.
  7. So with winter well and truly here, and cod short on the ground I suppose spurs will be the next target species?? So if I remember correctly @Scotch_Egg2012 is a well informed member who knows how and when to catch them. This is a species I've never seen, so come on Scott, spill the beans!!
  8. Well done Ian, another successful trip. Like Andy said, it seem we are going to be land locked for a while down our way. And then all the fish (that we never catch) will be gone anyway, so about 4 months ahead with no fishing.
  9. Only because I made a couple of transfers which cost me points.
  10. I use a light commercial mincer that @Odyssey recommended and it works very well for crushing up and mixing skeletons and skulls along with the flesh remains etc of fish. I go to the fish monger and get him to empty his scraps bin into my bucket. Then mix with a couple of bags of the cheapest porridge oats and let it sit over night. Stuff into an onion sack and attach to a side clear just half way into the water. Im not sure if it does much good for general bottom fishing as it filters through the whole water table. Probably better for tope fishing etc. But it's a learning thing for me as it's the first year I've tried it. Others will know better.
  11. Well done, thanks for sharing. The sun was out for you by the look of it at least.
  12. Yeah but they won't be collected in nets would they? More dragged cages?
  13. Probably on that day, they seem to have hoovered up everything else Jon.
  14. Erm, no I didn't . It was surprising actually how quickly it sank. That was probably because of the black backs who were clambering to try and reach that last squid, and I was saving it for my last cast. It was my lucky squid.
  15. You probably would have preferred the Lilly Savage episodes.
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