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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. You put most of us (Andy) to shame Mike so don't put yourself down!!
  2. Not hard at all Pete. If it's for Lynn and only light use, take a look at these on eBay 272064206123 Don't be put off by the brand, for what Lynn will need they will be perfect and will not break the bank!!
  3. Sounds like your rocking chair needs some oil! oh yeah, and well done on the tech breakthrough. 👍🏻
  4. We don't do subtle here Ian, it's a kick in the bollox or nothing!
  5. Charming...... Now where is that big red "delete account" button..
  6. Blimey, It got dark quick🤔
  7. We used to run a 56 plate 2.5 auto T5. Full conversion. Had it 6 years and sold it for the same money I bought it for!
  8. No pics no catch, you know the rules Jon!! 💪🏻🎣
  9. I though oz was upside down not sideways!
  10. It is certainly going to make finding my cod mark harder now I have no chimney to line myself up with! Thank god for mfds.
  11. The best way is to upload videos to YouTube, and then copy the link and paste onto your post here.
  12. Well done Nick, a couple of lovely blondes you managed to pick up there. I bet not the first!
  13. He's too/to/2 happy with himself that he's caught you to think about things like that!
  14. Weather was horrendous, Leo and I got soaked to the skin on our legs anyway. I was surprised how many people there were, we nearly missed it because of all the traffic!
  15. Yes that's a better vid, thanks for upstaging me!
  16. Leo and I are going to bother. We will be up at 6am to go find a good vantage spot. I just can't be bothered to take the tender and watch from the water!
  17. Yes, we must always look at and enjoy the plus side. Not that we need an excuse to purchase new stuff!
  18. Shame about the rod and reel. I know that gutted feeling all too well after loosing a spinning rod and 4000 fs shimano over the side this year! ☹️
  19. @suzook12, @Geoff is picking you up on YOUR spelling, not the facts that you impart to us!
  20. Its not, I just can't be arsed to get it out of the shed, carry it to the van, drive to the marina, blow it up and then jump on board. Then after 5 mins put it all away again.
  21. Yeah but I've packed the tender away now for the winter. Probably will go and watch it from Hamble point.
  22. Nice carpet!! I have it fitted in the bedroom and tv room.
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