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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Just buy a new one, they are cheap enough. Second hand would give me concerns over reliability when most needed.
  2. Would be good if I had a water pump fitted!
  3. But you don't qualify for high standing Geoff, not at 4ft nothing anyway! 🤣
  4. You certainly don't sit still for long do you @Geoff. Fair play to you for having such energy and enthusiasm. Your'e a good example to all oap's!!
  5. It took a while for the old guy to find his reading glasses!!
  6. Good luck, hopefully a busy report will follow!
  7. Maybe, but whatever, it's still a word only you seems to use. 🤣
  8. That's for keeping them pesky pirates at bay!! 🏴‍☠️☠️
  9. Is that you in the blue jumper Luke?
  10. If you can afford 1 surely you can stretch to 2?
  11. Yes but that's really not hard is it!! @Captain Sensible nice looking little boat you've got yourself there. If I were you, I'd make a call to the manufacturer and ask what the rating is if there is no plate in the hull anywhere to give an indication of what she can take, engine wise and sea state. But, I guess it's not too much and more for inshore work, pushing out a bit further on calmer days. Happy boating, and we all look forward to a catch report or two before you start the "Find me a bigger boat" thread. It will happen eventually!!
  12. There ain't no plank strong enough to take this old sea dog!
  13. We could do a second trip in feb. Trouble is Steve, is only wrecking around that time of year and it's £750 for the boat based on 10!! If we can get 10 then cool. If not then it's £750 divided by X. Dont forget we also have the second Outlaws annual get together to plan, so if you wanna come up with suggestions and times that suit you more then we can try to accommodate all.
  14. Welcome Sealegs O'Growley. Glad you sailed across us reprobates. Enjoy the forum and post your tub up in the "show us ye oldie boat" section. Sealegs Felonious
  15. Yes your correct. Ive just been back to the WhatsApp conversation and I can see where the confusion has come from. Sorry for the miss understanding Steve. ☹️
  16. This won't happen. Not in the next 20-30 years anyway. You can't just suddenly ban petrol and diesel. Phase out slowly yeah, but will take a generation or two.
  17. Technology like this needs time to refine and make wholly usable to the wide market. R&D must thrash out all stumbling blocks before a mass roll out.
  18. Andy, Steve can't do the February half term as he has booked a holiday for that week. All these variables were discussed and it was decided by the majority that the majority vote would rule. Unfortunately dates can't be convenient for 100% of the people 100% of the time. Also I'd like to add @suzook12 that a Sunday was chosen because our last booking was a Sunday. This then gives Saturday for those that need to travel enough time to do so. Can you and your boy not take the Monday off work/school?
  19. Again, your link does not work Jon 🤷🏻‍♂️
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