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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Electrician has been down today to have a look. Seems my battery charger is fried. It’s only a 20amp one and I’ve added another house battery. So it seems like age and over work has killed it. Also seems like the alternator isn’t throwing enough charge to the batteries now either. So that needs to be removed and repaired!!
  2. We made our return trip from bembridge yesterday around 1pm. It was rough but nothing that I’d think would sink a boat. A poorly maintained one maybe ? we took waves over the front but nothing serious. mind you, a 15ft boat should not have been out in it.
  3. Well done Martin for taking one for the team. You’re most probably a hero in their eyes!! 👍🏻
  4. Yes it was a concern that he would have to put up with it for a while. Hopefully the hook rusts through quick or he/she manages to throw it.
  5. We’re you conoodling on deck again?
  6. We got back from a long weekend on the boat this afternoon. As I’m doing the last of the bbq food (whilst Mrs cleaned), the family of swans paid a visit. They always hang around waiting for scraps. Only this time they had some friends in tow. I just happened to look down to the water and noticed circling under the swans, 4 or 5 LARGE bass. And when I say large I mean big. I’d say 9-10lb easily. Things always look a bit smaller when in the water until you lift them out, and these looked large IN the water. I quickly grabbed my new spinning rod which normally will have a small Jelly or mackerel feathers on for running under the pontoon as the ebb gets going. Only this time I’d been using it in bembridge harbour and had a patchinko 125 rigged. So I quickly deployed the lure with a lazy Chuck just 2m to the right of the bbq area, and it hit the water, quickly to disappear as fast as it had surfaced from the drop. Fish on, my rod bent over and I thought the “not breakable” boast was about to be put to the test. But, in my rush and the excitement I forgot to set the FS reels clutch and yes, the 8lb line snapped without effort. Bang goes the bass and bang goes my prized 125 ☹️ School boy error of the highest type! Gutted on two/2 fronts…
  7. Well @JDPi can’t say I’ve had an issue with lighting the Cobb stones or having a paragon taste to the food. It takes about 30 seconds to light, then like any bbq, leave for 15, the smoke stops and you’re free to cook. As for bulk, it all fits into a carry bag and can take a pack of 8 Cobb stones too. Glad you’re happy with your chopping boards !!
  8. I suppose you can Gord. The Cobb stones once alight burn for 2 hours. You can also use brickets.
  9. But you could never fully close the forward hatch? What about if you took a wave over the front? Would it not then flood the cuddy or at least damage the hatch?
  10. Yes, I did the same on my parker. A lazy line I think it’s referred to? Then deploy the anchor from the deck space.
  11. Yes they do bacon. And they are cold to the touch. You can pick the thing up whilst it’s in full cook!!
  12. Nice sesh mate and a lovely nostalgic wrasse too!
  13. For Andy’s shore session not conger fishing! Keep up Ian 🙄
  14. Mine has to be the Cobb BBQ. It’s revolutionised at anchor life. Or even in the marina!!
  15. I always go for 3x boat length in chain. some do 2x. The more chain, the less rope needed. But that depends on depth of water your fishing in of course. If you’re using the Alderney method then a large bouy is essential .
  16. @GPSguruwould probably have appreciated an invite!
  17. Summer is always the best time to sell, and winter the best to buy. There are boats on the market now that have “reduced by X%” on them already. It won’t be a couple of years until pre Covid prices, if they ever go back to them. I sold my MF755 for £35k around 6 years ago. The same boat now is £50k. Before Covid, £42k ish. So prices have risen naturally over the last 5-6 years anyway. Lock down and staycations have just given them an extra little boost. Are you holding off selling your house too then ? Because the housing market is just the same, as is used cars and camper vans etc!!
  18. Well it was certainly warmer than 16c yesterday! Not an issue now though, just a bit of a gremlin somewhere. If it gets me through the rest of September I’ll be happy. Then I can rip out and try to trace a fault.
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