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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Ouch that’s bad too. I bet the guy who caught said Pike felt bad for not removing the hook before he let you hold it!
  2. Your video is age restricted, so unfortunately I’m unable to watch it.
  3. Ouch, that is one thing I hope I never have to do. Sounds bad. Glad you made it back ok though.
  4. What casting weight did you go for and is it ok for say a 4-6oz lead when mackerel fishing?
  5. Uhmmnnnn, just the too!
  6. Sounds like Andy and I. ☹️
  7. Serves you right for being mean and laughing earlier!! 🤣
  8. Some help you are 🙄
  9. Do they stock them at Poingdestres ? Can I get one by 12pm tomorrow?
  10. You know the spinning rod I use to blank on the mackerel!! mine like that is good enough. It’s pretty soft and casts around 10-45g
  11. Fish catching action.
  12. Ok so I’m in the market for a new spinning rod. Doesn’t need to be expensive, just a good action to it. I cast things like surface poppers and C lures. Also I mackerel and bass fish with them. What’s recommended??
  13. AND was my response when I got up at 05.30 this morning to go fishing. The wife asks, where are you going? To which I reply …. Fishing…! The rest you can put together. I was flying solo today, left Hamble at 07.30 with a return trip to see my old foe at Alum bay planned. After the last visit there I’d not had the chance to refuel, 1/3 of a tank was registering. Yarmouth will be reachable I told myself, they have 24hr fuel between April and September. Perfect, then I quickly checked the weather again and the speed had changed from 12-15 to 15-20 SW meaning the return trip would be wind over tide. A 4.2 tide today so not massive but enough to cause discomfort after around 11am. 07.45 I passed the MDL fuel berth which had life on it, so a quick vhf call to the office soon found me pulling up to re fuel there instead. As I’m re fuelling I have a change of heart and decide to go East not West. In hind sight probably a good call. Mr. Megladon can wait for another day. 142lt later and I’m on my way. Got into the solent and went straight into a flock of gulls working the water lazily. I only had tinsel feathers onboard which do not work as well as white feathers I’ve found. And I was correct. There were fish all around, breaking the water everywhere, and all I could muster up was a decent scad and a medium mackerel. Blank saved within 10 mins. I continued on with Browndown beach in my sights but decided to stop short, half way between the east bramble bouy and browndown. Pretty much right opposite the HMS Daedalus slipway. Half a mile off. And that’s where I stayed for the next 5 hours. Quite event full it was, I managed to snap my spinning rod.. by getting it caught in the S/S socket where my fender and mooring lines route.. Never mind, I’ve only had it 12 years, and it was only the rod leo caught his first ever fish with… So the fish, I managed 3 hounds 2 x 9lb and Them a very feisty little 7.5lb version. This one actually gave the best fight of the day and took a fair few meters of line, leading me to think it was a decent sized strap. But by far the cutes catch of the day was this little fella.. more Grams and ounces…
  14. 😱 We dont use those letters grouped together like that on here !!
  15. Let’s not go down the Football versus Rugby row. Nearly as bad as politics.
  16. @mike farrants no there is not mate. Not sure if there is much interest in it on here between members. But you’re more than welcome to start one if you wish!
  17. Ahh the Norfolk bin dipper.. he’s legendary. Like the ghost rider, but slightly older and slower.
  18. Guarding your possessions?
  19. It’s more toward the end. Have another read.
  20. A bloke was sitting at the side of the road crying his eyes out, his dead hamster in his hands. A fairy godmother asked him what the matter was. He said “I loved my pet hamster and it just died ”. The fairy godmother said “Well I can’t bring it back to life, but I can suggest that you can make some good of the situation”. The bloke asked “How do I do that ?” The fairy godmother replied “Go home put the hamster in a pan and add a bag of sugar. Heat the pan up stirring well and simmer for an hour. Allow to cool, pour it onto your garden and see what happens”. The bloke did exactly as she suggested. The next day, he went into the garden and there were masses of daffodils everywhere! He ran back to the road where he’d seen the fairy godmother and she reappeared and asked the bloke how he’d got on. He said “It’s fantastic, there are daffodils everywhere!” The fairy godmother replied “That’s really strange, you usually get tulips from hamster jam!”🤣🤣
  21. Then you are missing out…. luxury on the inside… utilitarian fishing vessel on the outside.. #yourjustjealous
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