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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Very nice…. Good times with family. I notice too2 things. …. 1. Holly dog ready to belly flop on any crabs. 2. you chose the crab with no claws to hold! 🐈
  2. Going nowhere this weekend. Poxy weather put a stop to plans again.
  3. Looks lovely. Maybe you can put the recipe in the cooking section?
  4. A decent uptide rod will just about cover all bases I reckon.
  5. Me too, I believe Andy is also and maybe @JonC but he’s probably waiting for a last minute panic.
  6. Some of the cats are quite hard to control too! But we get there eventually. #bunchofdivas
  7. I’m not sure where you are from Dave but I guess either the M3 or M27 gave you troubles? Or both!
  8. So the trip is all arranged. The details are… Sunday 24th October, leave Poole quay at 8am aboard Ocean Runner skippered by Ryan Jones. It will be a 10 hour day including travel to the marks. Quarry will hopefully be rays, turbot, plaice and pollock. Ive been told that there may well be a few larger eels thrown in for good measure. If anybody does happen to drop out for whatever reason (these things happen) we will notify and find a replacement if possible. If not, look out for the next trip!!
  9. @JDP see the 3 horizontal lines at the top right? That’s where you find messages and notifications. When you get a new PM or notice it will show up there automatically. Also the photo sizes stay the same like that because it’s a screen shot. A stand alone photo taken from the phone will have size choices.
  10. I NEVER us a pc or laptop/tablet. I only use my phone. Why don’t you just get the phone to remember your passwords??
  11. If you look at my last photo I’ve circled the image size of 7.6mb if you press on that you can change to small medium or large.
  12. I don’t look at compression, I just take a photo. Even the portrait photos with better detail I can get to load. Your doing something wrong Jon.
  13. First go to edit and press this tab Then adjust the frame size a bit then choose it to upload from your photo library.. once you’ve chosen the pic you want to upload, click on “show selected” you can then choose the file size.
  14. You literally only need to move it 0.5mm.
  15. Yes, edit, crop slightly. Then when you upload choose photo size at the bottom of the screen before you press “add”.
  16. It’s like normal chicken but with a missing digit!
  17. Are there any giant witches in the area?
  18. I reckon that’s what I had on Sunday !
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