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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Once the date etc is sorted I can take a look at accommodation close to the harbour, I’ll advise but leave you to sort your own payments and bookings. Or you can do it all yourself, I’m not fussed. Or you can sort for all of us!! 👍🏻
  2. Another great day out Ian. I love your attention to detail. Drift, wind speeds and direction etc. I struggle to remember where I’ve been and what I caught usually.
  3. Possible, he could have run off and got me trapped under a rock. The braid was what gave way and not the leader or hook length. So quite plausible that whatever it was was hiding in the rocks.
  4. We were thinking a monster ray, but after dragging up that rock on the anchor an giant eel that quickly ran home or just poked his head out of a hole to rob the bait was our thinking.
  5. Places now all reserved Nick. If anything changes we can let you know. If you can get another boat it may be fun. We are aiming for Thursday 28th October.
  6. Ok then that’s all spaces filled by my reckoning. If something changes we will let people know.
  7. 7 spaces now taken. We can fit 2 more. First come first served. @jonnyswamp @GPSguru @DINOBOY
  8. Ha, that face is brill!! thanks for sharing Mike. 👍🏻
  9. Would be nice to get guaranteed number before we approach skippers though. @Odyssey how about coming along just for the fun of being with us?? We can PM or WhatsApp details.
  10. We did all of this and he came round a bit. But then He and Leo would go back to playing on a Nintendo and it all started again. Leo fine btw so it’s funny how it effects some and not others. Or Leo is just more used to the water.
  11. Yeah I can’t say I’ve ever seen anybody fishing there. It’s quite a rocky floor, maybe that’s why?
  12. As always, good value in having you both on board. Shame about our school boy fishing again. But never mind we are improving. Just wish the kraken had showed us some colour. I’ve never felt anything like that before , defo a spot to return to when more beefed up for the job!!
  13. I was before I spent the day with you! Dumbed me right down you ave
  14. Your smarter than you look! 👍🏻
  15. Weight unknown. caught today in Alum bay IOW.
  16. Whilst out fishing today, @Andy135 came up with the idea of an Outlaws charter trip. We are thinking out of Weymouth in October time for cod. 8 members, 10 at a push. 3 places have already been taken, so please register your interest here ASAP to avoid any disappointment. The SLT will look into boats and availability. But any recommendations will be listened to and welcomed.
  17. I believe Weymouth harbour authority insist that all anglers have ALL digits! Ask @mike farrants he can confirm.
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