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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Now there’s an idea. I knew you were useful for something Steve! 👍🏻
  2. I’m having my small loft space above my office boarded and ply walled. I’ve got some lighting and power sockets up there now too. The idea is to move my rods and tackle etc up into this space along with bait freezers. This will then free up space in my tiny work room for the rest of my junk. Id like to put rod racks on the ceiling roof undersides but of course because of the angles, all the holders I’ve seen will just allow the rods to roll off. Any ideas for rod holders that can maybe be closed. Ye su could just put long screws in and lay the rods on those but it would look a bit cheap and crap. I’d like to do it properly. Also and ideas for a decent bait freezer, one that doesn’t cost too much. What do you guys use? Just a standard freezer from the white goods shop ?
  3. Blimey… look how small his fenders are!
  4. Thankfully they were all collected safely.
  5. You see……. @headlight, that’s how to be gracious.
  6. Do you know of it then? It’s been advertised as comedy gold!!
  7. Ok just so you all know, I’ve managed to book some entertainment for Friday afternoon. It’s a one man travelling comedy show. The performance should start between 3-4pm so get there early to grab a front row seat!! It promises to be a side splitter.
  8. Yes especially as there will be Ladies present so no streaking Pete!
  9. Yes. And she said it’s food fit for a king. So you’ll be ok Jon.
  10. Ok peeps, we are all sorted. My Mrs kindly went to banana wharf today for lunch with her friend and sorted out the seating. We now have 3 tables for up to 12 people, inside and right I front of the TV!!
  11. Good result , now we need to hear some fishing reports 👍🏻
  12. Geoff I am unable to amend the restaurant table booking online. They say there is no more space, but I will try to call them later and see if I can get an additional table. It may well have to be outside though and separate from the rest. Let me see what I can arrange.
  13. Well you can drink and talk, we will drink and ignore you ! And you can have the seat under the tv so you don’t see. 👍🏻
  14. Shhhhhh we don’t utter those letters here , you’ll get banned 🤣🤣
  15. Bloody hell Andrew….. where did you spring up from!! Welcome back.
  16. We will ply you with cold smooth Brooklyn to ease the discomfort for a while.
  17. No excuses for admin to pull out, you have guests to host! All 2 of them.
  18. You owe me big time. Ive just rang banana wharf and because of our reduced number we are now sat inside in the bar area, on tall bar tables next to the TV!!
  19. We could “just eat” and watch on your boat in the lounge. I’m sure you have a 50”
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