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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Sod all the outboards Steve, I’m still waiting on the day you actually post a catch report! The boy had a carp yet?
  2. What's to be apprehensive about? Joyce is only going to be mingling with polite, well behaved and good mannered folk like yourself Geoff. Or is Joyce worried that SHE may misbehave ??
  3. I quite liked it, but not too/to/two/2 much...... 2/10
  4. Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve moved this topic to the relevant area.
  5. Geoff no worries, fishing gear can be lent to you no problem. You can tag along and follow me or any of the other boats. I can even sort your bait for you! Just will be good to get out and have a bit of fun. If you don’t want to fish then you can just boat and explore or whatever you want!
  6. Ok quick update. Seeing as it is the “round the island “ race the weekend of our meet (only just found this out), the pubs and restaurants are pretty busy. But, I have managed to book a table for 10 at “banana wharf” port Hamble. It’s an outside table for 19.45. fingers crossed for warm dry weather!
  7. Guys here are some more details for the Saturday 3rd July.... Low water is at 12pm. Fishing to start at 9am and rods up at 5pm. Fishing to be between Gillkicker point to the east and West lepe bouy to the west. There will be (small) prizes for.... Best Round fish (hounds, bass,pout etc) Best Flat fish (plaice, rays etc) And an additional prize for “fish of the day”! This will be a judges decision. The judge will be decided later. All fish to be weighed and photographed. I am trying to sort an evening establishment for food and beverages. More details on that to follow.
  8. Thanks Steve. The van is in the only convenient place I could get it to sit. If I have to get rid then so be it, but I’d prefer to keep. I suppose a “T” piece up by the air filter would allow the air breath? My engine is a Yanmar 6LPA DTE.
  9. If you recall the reason I put the catch can in was because the “spray” was going over the air filter gauze. What else could I do to prevent this? I know it’s by design but just looks shit.
  10. Think I will disconnect it and see what happens.
  11. The tube is fitted to the pipe that exited the engine and terminated over the air filter. It then extends around 1m down to the catch can.
  12. It only started since fitting the oil catch can. Could that be anything to do with it?
  13. I will watch the vid later, but I hope you get lots of Offshore outlaws plugs in!!
  14. For a little while after a run out I’ve found a few spots of oil in the bilge. Nothing much but annoying. I was thinking that it was residue that had dripped onto the engine after I changed the oil filter, and then it had just run down and dropped off. But I’ve found no signs around the filter. What I did find however was dampness around the neck of the dip stick tube. So I tied some blue roll around it and kept an eye on it. Sure enough the blue paper towel was getting damp with oil. So I think I’ve found the cause. Will the dip stick have an o ring seal that can just be changed ?? I can’t see one. Oil pressure and levels are all ok.
  15. This is where I’ll most probably be going. Test run tomorrow.
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