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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Welcome to the outlaws. You’ve chosen a busy year of boating to get an introduction. Sea dragon looks like a lovely example of the trophy. You did well in your choosing. Is she diesel or petrol onboard?
  2. Very nice Gord, the scenery looks amazing where you are! but where are the fish?
  3. Nice one Mike, nothing like being out fished on your own boat eh? Good to see you’re quickly getting to grips with the boat and that confidence is growing. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Better than YOU!! I can catch fish. (I’m guessing I’m being classed as one of the to me to you).
  5. That’s because unlike the rest of us, you are soo charming.
  6. Yeah but they won’t allow me to spend my cash.
  7. That’s why we will go with the tide and I will sit at the back poking the front person to paddle.
  8. Anybody got one or two spare? Adult sizes 65-90kg range
  9. Shame some tosspot nicked yours, that’s proper low. The wsb one on google looks like the one I have, with the extending neck. My local tackle shop sells the I believe.
  10. You should buy a trailerable boat, something like a predator would do!! oh...... hang on.....
  11. Well done Josh. A few good fish. Blimey though, don’t you have long arms, that wrasse looks mahoosive.
  12. Start a new thread and keep us informed 👍🏻
  13. Maybe @GPSguruor @suzook12 may have some advice on that?
  14. So how far past dock head did you manage? Weston shore? Netley Abbey?
  15. That’s a huss, ask Andy!
  16. Nice one Tony, well done for making the effort to go Pompey to needles. Yarmouth is our favourite place to weekend. It’s not great for leaving early though if rafted 4 deep!
  17. Well they are said to be tasty. Rock salmon is their other name I believe.
  18. Nice one Martin. Sounds like a good day out to spend with your son!
  19. Nothing wrong with them unless you want to catch a specific species. And yes I’ve heard they are real tasty although never tried them myself.
  20. Hi Adam welcome to the forum. Nice to have another PBSBAC member join in. Andy and I blanked pretty well on Saturday, we were given the mark by my local tackle shop but were told to anchor up. You and Tiger fish were drifting so I guess our advice was incorrect !
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