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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Well with comments like that people can quickly become uninvited you know!!! Final plans will be posted the week before the meet, and from now til then I will do my weather dance ! Good to have you onboard Andy!
  2. Nice one Gord, sounds like you picked up a goodie just in time for the summer to actually start. Mind you, with a boat like that who needs summer?? I in particular look forward to hearing about your targa adventures. Mainly because I would love one, but they just don’t fit for my family life style. Enjoy!
  3. I know, he doesn’t want to loose face is all. Maybe I was under estimating, maybe it was more like 1.2m.
  4. Nope, we leave that to the experts .
  5. Yeah but if they laugh you could always toss a lead at them!
  6. 07.30 saw @Andy135and young Thomas arrive promptly at Hamble. They were joining Leo and I for a long haul (for us) west of the needles to a mark called the hockey stick. The idea was to get fuel W route by stopping in at Yarmouth. Then dangle for some fresh mackerel before completing the next half of the journey. Fuel stop went well, except for Andys amateur hour throw of the mooring line 🤦🏻. Mackerel fishing was a fail, never mind at least we had a live bait tank for washing our hands in. Got to the mark to find 4-5 boats drifting where we wanted to anchor. So we adjusted slightly so as not to get in their way. And 5 hours later we had the sun total of 4 dogs and one hound. That was it, we did try a drift for a bit after talking to @Tony smith on the radio, but again, nothing. So home we went, where the boys got the spinning rod out and caught 3 bass just 10 ft from the boat. A great day out but no fruit from the tree. Cheers for the company boys, I’ll try harder next time promise. Oh and btw, I caught the hound!!
  7. Nice one Minters. I bet it was just a huge relief to be back out on the boat again after such a long time. Unlucky with the fishing , but who really cares. You were on the water right !! 👍🏻
  8. Nice one Mark. Thanks for sharing. The Shetland seems to have a bit of a cult following. Some of the guys on here have done or been part of re builds. So plenty of info to tap into. keep working on the wife.... she’ll come round!! 🌈
  9. Good news then. Well done Brock.
  10. Right ok.... It’s only a month or so to go until our first Outlaws boat meet. So, has every body that needs it sorted accommodation out yet? @Jed Stone, @Geoffand @JonC? Anybody else fancy it? Last calls!! And also, for the Saturday night, are we happy to just do a pub crawl of Hamble and take our chances or would a table at Banana wharf be more welcome, or a village pub? there is a restaurant/bar in the marina which will get some of our business Friday evening, we could just stay there for Saturday too but that’s a bit dull ain’t it ??? Thoughts welcomed.
  11. Well then we hope to see more of you. Have you posted a “show us yer boat” thread yet ?
  12. We live in hope of a good joke from you Luke......... one day.
  13. Where will you go Scott.? I’m thinking south of the needles, but will be punching against the tide to get there.
  14. Yep. Out with my son for tope and large double figure conger. Going south of the needles by approx 6 miles.
  15. Who did the service for you Mark? If an engineer, would you not be best going back and raising the issue with him/them/her?
  16. Yeah I guess, but to make it on to TOTP !
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/mar/23/musical-youth-legal-battle-pass-the-dutchie why was a kid singing about spliff??
  18. Made me smile too, 1st album I bought. Second was musical youth... #passthedutchy
  19. My 'phone rang the other night and a man's voice said, "I'm the dandy highwayman who you're too scared to mention, I spend my cash on looking flash and grabbing your attention!" I tried to tell him he had the wrong number, but he was adamant .....
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