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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. With or without white ankle socks?
  2. All done. The removed impeller was in perfect condition. But who knows for how long. It’d been in for two years already.
  3. It not the wind you gotta worry about as 11-13mph is very fishable. It’s tide direction and swell left over from this week.
  4. Cushions ..... now we’re talking.. 👍🏻
  5. You know me too well.
  6. Well it’s morning and we are still here !
  7. The pile of tiles are the old ones stripped off the roof. New ones we need extra will be here next week. We are re using the old ones as they are only 10 years old from when we re roofed after our last extension.
  8. The tarp seems to be holding up in the 50 mph winds.
  9. Me neither. But I did buy two. So if one breaks I’ll change it.
  10. They all look the same 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. We don’t get minted by being generous Martin, do we??
  12. No need. Builder is doing it in stages. Build over the top, then dismantle the old.
  13. That was my thinking. But the more I read about it, the more I’m inclined to do it. For the sake of a tenner it’s not worth the gamble.
  14. No it wasn’t done then. By me or Tom.
  15. My next job is to change the raw water impeller. Do I need an impeller pulley or will a pair of pliers suffice ?
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