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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. 👅 I’d never heard it before!
  2. Google Spike Milligan Luke.
  3. So the moral of this story is ........ don’t let JonC sit at the rear of your trailer whilst under way.
  4. @JonC you should be safe with this relevant to topic meme.
  5. Because we have to have a minimum order. And I’m not going to pay and store the left overs like I’ve had to do with the hats, long sleeve T-shirt’s and patches.
  6. Or, you have to get the boiler serviced !! The good weather will be here soon bud don’t worry! Have you got over to Ashlett creek yet?
  7. You could probably get a nice pendant to display !
  8. I never go to the pub unless it’s at the weekend with the family. Or for the footie with my dad and a mate. Or on a Monday after work. Or a Tuesday . Mid week specials on a Wednesday. Thursday off. Fridays to celebrate a half day. but apart from that I never go.
  9. Nice one @Gordmac, congratulations. Don’t forget to show her off to us all when you can. what made you go for this? It is missing a few of your original requirements isn’t it?
  10. Not sure where you see the A/C unit Jon, but her seat cushions need a bit of extra filling.
  11. @GarryG how’s this getting on ?
  12. He only looks at pictures so is blissfully unaware!
  13. Yes absolutely. I’d always have a LJ with a strap. My point was that the video was probably not as balanced as it could have been.
  14. That's true, but....... if you are not paying attention and cant hear a big boat bearing down on you then............. and he would have to be f'ing close to sink you from his wash.
  15. If your out in conditions that would make your boat capsize then there is something wrong with your head!
  16. Again, I agree. But, if the guy who's is wearing the non crotch strap jacket had tightened up his waist strap it would not have been AS bad. freeze the video at 5 seconds and see just how loose it is.
  17. What about if you get knocked out Trevor whilst falling from your boat? Who is going to manually inflate for you?
  18. Yes I agree Scott, but the difference is you use your boat a lot and go far offshore. Geoff does not and will be buying his life jacket primarily for the boat meet in July. So the one he is looking at will be just fine for what he needs. And if we are having big swells in the solent we won’t be going fishing anyhow!
  19. Well if you fall over board in the solent it will probably only take a few minutes to get rescued , by either a fellow boater or the coast guard. In the channel it will take a hell of a lot longer, the waves will also be bigger if there is a swell. So, no need for things like spray hoods and built in epirbs etc in the solent.
  20. For the type of boating yourself and Joyce will be doing Geoff then these jackets should do you just fine. Seago are a good make (not the best) but adequate for your needs. If you were hoping to cross the channel then I’d say no. But for fishing the solent and surrounding areas, just fine.
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