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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Nice one @thejollysinker. Looks and sounds like a great day out spent with your son. I'm going to have to have a go at this squid fishing!!
  2. Good going Ian, I'd love to find and catch cattle . What's the secret?? Where and how?
  3. Yeah, but at least you got the family around you to keep you amused and stop you from thinking about it, eh!! 🙃
  4. I knew you wouldn't let me down.
  5. I can only take the glory for the catching. Martin captured my best side!
  6. Yep I was surprised also, no formal dress code was issued !
  7. I was lucky enough to be able to jump aboard "Madness" today, a very tidy and capable Rodman 870 owned by the one and only @Maverick. The plan was to set off for a bank around 6 mikes outside of Poole harbour, and I was told that the possibility of tope, bass and rays was very real. And so it was. I will allow Martin to finish the rest as and when he can, but to list my catch in size up order.... black bream dog fish 5.5lb bass 15lb bull huss 27lb tope. pics to prove the biggest here ⬇️ Thanks to Martin for a great day afloat!! 👍🏻
  8. Not really Pete, this could be seen as general topic.
  9. Thanks Geoff. I'm 99% there are no grooves to fit and all is flat smooth. Thanks for the info.
  10. My belts snapped on me yesterday on my way back in. Sea start came out and fitted a single 10 x 1000 belt to enable me to limp home. I did have two spares but turns out they didn't fit and were 10 x 800's. They were the supposed straight swaps for my engine. So the sea start guy thinks I may have an upgraded alternator. Now, needing two belts to run the engine safely I need to purchase 3 more (that'll give me a couple of spares), but are all 10 x 1000 belts the same or is there a difference in teeth shape?
  11. I have no idea, but I'd have thought that 60hp on a 16ft boat was more than enough, have you had yours running and now it's knackered or did you buy it with a knackered engine? If you've run with it, how did the 60 perform?
  12. I can't say I've ever had to do this Ian, but it's a dammed good idea!
  13. Great report @josh, thanks for sharing. I love the way the burger was served stacked on top of the chips like that, very skilful . 👍🏻
  14. Nice going. Sounds like an exciting day on the water. I have hand hauled an anchor in less than desirable conditions a few times and it's no fun. Even worse if you don't have any gloves on!! 😬
  15. @Kane welcome to the sight. I originally thought Picton or Mayland, but the window profile does not quite match up. Is there no manufacturers stamp anywhere? Sometimes they are hidden behind a bulkhead or on the rear of the transom!
  16. That's why then, if it were an interpretation it'd look clearer!!
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