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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Finally managed to order 50 live crab from these guys. Hopefully will be here by Wednesday. Unfortunately they will probably go straight into the freezer as the weekend isn’t looking favourable atm !
  2. I have glasses Ian. Trouble is they are a relatively new addition to my life (well a year), and I keep forgetting to take them with me.
  3. Yes, now I am sat in front of my pc screen I can see the star that Andy so kindly highlighted for me. When I originally looked it was on my iPhone, and I have ever decreasing eyesight!!
  4. Rod arrived today Lee. Many thanks indeed, some great duct taping !! And at £40 delivered a real bargain.
  5. You are making a good decision there. Bluffs is another 10mins up river and a bit of a bone yard. You will enjoy kemps more. Do they still have the pizza place there?
  6. 💦 well there’s the problem. Now as I believe the answer is ginger. And by that I don’t mean @Andy135. Ginger is supposed to suppress nausea. Always carry some ginger biscuits and munch on them now and again.
  7. I would say that what ever your budget for buying a boat is, double it. Or, if you think you may need a bigger boat later, buy it now. No need to waste money buying a small boat to test the water. Just go and buy the bigger one because they are easier or just as easy to manoeuvre and get on with. I will leave the pensioners to handle the safety points! As you were Ian.
  8. Nice one @Bass&Chips. The season seems to have started a bit quicker in your area than ours.
  9. Make sure you create a full designated thread for your report Mike. It’s great to start having reports coming in after a long winter.
  10. Well keep us informed on what you do. We all love a new boat. But please wait til winter. New boat= crap weather.
  11. Superb fish, well done that man!
  12. Oh ok, well that’s not me then. I don’t wear sliders. Phew.
  13. Haha @jonnyswamp has been moderated🤣
  14. Hours of agonising and organisation go into making you lot feel safe. It’s just not appreciated.
  15. Thanks for the comprehensive report swampy. Sounds like a good day out by any standard. So a few more decent fish would have been nice, but you did catch and got the SPJ bug good and proper. Bet your now counting down the clock til the next trip! 👍🏻
  16. Nice to see you back on here @Pecheur Anglais. Good looking little package, hope you have a quick sale. How’s the bigger boat?
  17. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nearly pissed myself..
  18. Ok, the committee will debate.
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