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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I take it by that you mean your (spelt correctly) location would appear under your forum name as opposed to people having to go into your profile to find out your location?
  2. Ahh well, I do all my posting from an iPhone not a PC, and with poor vision too! Or should that be two, or to?
  3. Hi Geoff, you can come out now. That was actually a fat finger moment. The word was supposed to be “him” not I’m. My phone has a habit of auto correcting the wrong words. I’m as understand it is a shortened version of I am. So by your (spelt correctly) definition the ‘ is in the correct place due to the lack of an A!
  4. Thanks Geoff. I will have a word with him today after I’ve schooled I’m on how to defend his goal this morning..
  5. What’s your (correct use) name? Geoff?
  6. Leo and I headed west to search out some rays, hounds and early bream. We headed for sowley boom. after 4 hours and no bites we moved closer in shore. After another hour and no bites, we headed back east and anchored near a very small wreck just south east of the bramble bank. Leo had his new rod with him and was first into the fish with a 4lb hound... Then I landed the obligatory lsd.... I didn’t weigh it, but seeing as it’s the first pic of one today, I claim the lead in the comp. Another two hours passed and again no bites. Time for rods up, but hang on..... Leo’s rod gave another nod and he soon landed a better hound at 7lb.. At least his new rod got a try out and the sun was shining!!
  7. Nothing wrong with a bit of comfort inside. All the shit stays on the outside (and I don’t mean the child).
  8. Well done bones, a cracking start to the weekend!
  9. How disappointing. They’re not even cushions. Seat pads yes, cushions, no!
  10. I didn’t mean you blanking was a first. We all know that’s a regular occurrence.
  11. Never heard of anyone drifting for bream? Is that a thing? Anchor up and trot the lead back to search out the fish.
  12. They are soooo you Jon. They take away the attention from your receding hair line!
  13. Good man. I hope he (she) chose good colours.
  14. Isn’t it about time you off loaded that rig?
  15. She looks nice and shiny ! 👍🏻
  16. Hi Andy. Welcome to the outlaws. Feel free to pick the brains out of all and any. Good luck with the launch tomorrow. Did you decide on the new mooring yet? Neil
  17. Surely you need to get your priorities right. Just pay @headlight to do it for you. He doesn’t use his boat anymore.
  18. Superb news Luke, and a FOC repair too I’d imagine?
  19. Nice one Tania. Hope you have a manic weekend and the fish play ball. Look forward to the comprehensive report with photos of the LSD on scales!
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