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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Great report Ian. Thanks for the effort. Some great fishing there, not jealous at all. I just wish I lived in an area where nice plaice were gettable. It’s a species that just seems to miss us in any numbers or sizes. I must say that a man of your experience going the short cut around cod rock and nearly running aground is a surprise. Thought you’d know better!!
  2. Yep a re hash of a classic 80’s crap joke.
  3. What about you mate and ours @headlight?? What’s happened to him. Has he come up for air yet this year?
  4. Ted. What a funny movie.
  5. I was going to suggest that ! Unlucky Luke.
  6. @Geoff a lesser man would be all over you for your pho par, especially after all you dish out. But, I’m not that man. And I will just tell myself that you have done it on purpose, to lay a trap for the eagle eyes.
  7. He did kinda ruin the joke. Bloody brainiac.
  8. @Andy135 we have a thread crash..... one rule for one and all that !!
  9. Check out the big brain on 👨🏼‍🦰
  10. Nor will you 👨🏼‍🦰👾🧠
  11. I’m eyeing up this coming Saturday for a trip out. It will be Leo and I. We did invite @Andy135 who accepted and then uninvited himself?? I mean it’s one thing to un invite @JonC but to do it to yourself!!!
  12. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. That will just be their legal sentence to shrug off any responsibility involving any potential pollution claims.
  13. I thought it was something to do with the scent and the fact that WD40 is made from fish oil ?
  14. Hard to say if that video is a fisherman’s tip video or a wd40 promo!
  15. Yes, it’s hard to tell I suppose whether your adding an advantage OR you would have had the same results without.
  16. If it’s been on there that long then it couldn’t have all been bad? Or is it something robbed off another engine and put in yours after 2008? Can you not get it refurbed?
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