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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yes Steve, but we don’t have a lure caught bass from a boat section. Maybe you should draw a petition and lobby the management.
  2. It’s in the “bass on lures” section. I don’t think we discriminate.
  3. Quite frankly I’m surprised you can remember back that far!
  4. You going for poster of the month ?
  5. Bring your boat down to our fishing meet in July and you can see it in the flesh. You can follow @Maverick he’s from Cobbs too.
  6. And there was me thinking he just had a brain fart.
  7. When trimming, do it in one second presses of the button. If you just hold the button down the engine will lift and cavitat, then you will have to start all over again as you will loose speed.
  8. Go on............................ you know you wanna!!
  9. Is the cord not used to prevent snagging of the hook? In some way making the hook length more movable? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Maybe in July otherwise too draughty.
  11. No your correct, I’d have to don my burgundy college “Y” cardi, with moccasins.
  12. I’m more for a pale blue myself, slim fit of course, something only @JonC can dream of!
  13. It’s a good show so far. It’s on iplayer for catch up. Well recommended. Even @JonC could watch it before bedtime.
  14. BBC 2 on Wednesdays, anyone been watching it ?
  15. I bought some but never used it. I was warned off of it by a boat renovator who reckons it does long term damage and leaves a sticky coating. I must say I was surprised to hear that after your glowing review.
  16. I’m not trying to steal yours Jon. But I am interested to see if you can wear the beige trouser better than a seasoned pro!
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