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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yes it was, I rather hoped that more would have shown up but hey ho. Not bad from the anchor. Leo didn’t want the agro of drifting on his first trip so, Chuck the hook it was.
  2. The day started with breakfast at 7am then take the dog for a walk whilst the crew member had his breakfast and got ready. On the boat by 8am, left mooring at 8.30am dropped anchor at 9am. We had a couple of hours of the ebb, but it was pretty still already tbh. The 6/7mph North easterly held us in the tide a bit and made the rods swing around. My quarry was plaice, Leo was after a nice ray. Not much happened for the first 45mins until Leo kicked things off with a dog. Which then was followed by the normal, “daddy, I’ve got one already”!! Here we go I thought, it’s going to be another day of me doing all the work and the little man taking all the credit! But no. 10 mins later my quarry was boated, not a whopper by any stretch but a nice healthy plaice all the same. Thats was me satisfied if I’m honest. I got what I came for and released him to go get bigger. Still there was still the question of the ray! Leo decided that energy in the form of a wagon wheel was needed and quickly polished one off. Well, that was about it for the next two hours. We (I) kept changing baits and filling the ground baiting gizmo ready for nipper to deploy. Soon as the tide started we had a couple of hours where we managed 2 starfish, 3 bass, 2 whiting and that was it. No rays and no more plaice. Still, we had a lovely day on the water, we caught some fish and we sang happy birthday to @JonC after he gently reminded us that we had forgotten it. So, Happy Birthday Jon and we look forward to helping you celebrate your big 50 next year!! 🍻
  3. The wife didn’t like it Brian?
  4. Well on here you have @Maverick @MegaByteand @mick. But most are out of the water doing maintenance. And also due to Covid restrictions not many venturing out who don’t live local.
  5. Or dirty boat porn! 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. Hi Nigel. welcome to the outlaws. Glad you found your way over. The QS 640 is a lovely boat, is it your first boat or just a new to you one? And what made to decide on Cobbs in Poole as a marina? It’s a long way to go, or do you now live in Poole? Neil
  7. Never been, it’s only for fat birds and pensioners. You’ll be fine! 😉
  8. Is that where you shop now then Martin? I’d of thought on your money you’d be able to afford peacocks at least!
  9. @DINOBOYIf you’ve got a spare, I could do with a level wind assembly?? Or I’ll buy the whole thing for spares.
  10. We need more emojis!! Where’s the pissing my pants one?
  11. Should be a lovely day too, bit chilly but 5-6mph northerly winds on a smallish tide.
  12. No mate bit early for that. Plus I don’t think I’ll get any peeler delivered from Devon by Sunday, do you? I’m thinking east bramble bouy for rays and plaice or bream
  13. Turns out I didn’t have a flat battery. I just didn’t have the throttle in neutral. Even though I went into gear and out of gear it wouldn’t start. Until, I went into reverse and back to neutral. First time that’s ever happened. Anyways, I got back safely (thanks for asking) and she performed as she should do, max revs of 3600 achieved and top speed of 24knts even into a bit of a flooding tide.
  14. You’ve been to his lounge then? What if his feng is all out of whack? Might be hard to form any kind of opinion.
  15. Yeah, it’s hard to get the hook through them ain’t it.
  16. And I can’t find the 3rd. Think I must have only bought two extra leisure’s. It’s been so long I can’t remember.
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