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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Nothing like a parcel of new fishing goodies to get you moist eh? Now get down to that pond and practise ..
  2. I’ve been re familiarising myself with these guys lately..
  3. we always used to blag them when in the pub with the family as kids. The guy used to come round with a tray tied round his neck full of sea food. Mr Winkle or summin like that.
  4. Only you can make that decision Mike.
  5. I’d say it most likely because your on the more vulnerable list. Especially as you’ve had some major surgery and still within the 5 years.
  6. I just had a look at his work, it does look exceptional.
  7. Sounds very exciting👍🏻
  8. Good stuff Luke. Is that the guy in Spain?
  9. How’s it going with Stan??
  10. Seriously...... posting whilst driving?? You’re putting more people at risk!
  11. Did you not read the article I posted above Steve, even if I wanted to I cannot jump the que because key workers are not on the fast track plan as yet.
  12. Some people just seem to be unable to see anything past there own views though. Even if I did want to jump the que and get a vaccine because I’m a key worker, I couldn’t because until at least March front line workers are not included. This may well change though as it’s being considered. https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/covid-19-vaccine-teachers-police-frontline-workers-phase-two-coronavirus-transmission-836215?_gl=1*epa65m*_ga*aGd3Z2YwZE16dHF4MkR0cERYemFTcVI4UXdwRmptWm5OVjNwN0c2eW1QbUJDb1FOVjIzOHFxdmlOZWJFb3VHMA..
  13. Steve, IF my customers were worried they wouldn’t let me in. Like I said earlier this morning whilst seriously bitting my lip, I take precautions with my family, my customers and myself. So before I really get pissed at you let’s drop it and leave it there ok.
  14. Have you had your account hacked Steve? Your seriously starting to sound like LHP!
  15. No Steve, it doesn’t stop your ability to catch it or spread it. Lessen it yes, stop it, no. Taken from the NHS web site.. How effective is the COVID-19 vaccine? The 1st dose of the COVID-19 vaccine should give you good protection from coronavirus. But you need to have the 2 doses of the vaccine to give you longer lasting protection. There is a chance you might still get or spread coronavirus even if you have the vaccine. This means it is important to: continue to follow social distancing guidance if you can, wear something that covers your nose and mouth in places where it's hard to stay away from other people so whether you’ve had a vaccine or not, you can still catch and spread.
  16. Oh yeah...... and foul hooking the sucker on the way up don’t count neither!! 🤣
  17. Ok but a lure is like a surface popper or a shallow diver. Not a pirk. so let’s hope you’ve not spunked in triumph too prematurely ! 💪🏻💦🐶
  18. Go on then, what have you splashed out on now to up your lsd catch rate?
  19. Mid range vercelli 3 piece continental rod. Casts 100-200g , has a bit of rust on the spigot collar but nothing much, just cosmetic. Another great rod by vercelli, nice and light. Comes with padded bag. £75 plus p&p
  20. 3 piece top of the Vercelli range. This rod is a legend and very few were available. 3 piece, casts 100-200g plus bait. Comes with a vercelli padded bag. As per the photos, there is a bit of staining at the guide bases, and the grip is browning from dirt on the hands. In great useable condition though. Cost £400 new. £180 plus p&p
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