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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Well not really seeing as the sale of one boat funds the purchase of the other! And my last change was a straight swap.
  2. So you understand where I’m coming from Steve? And can sympathise slightly even if you have changed your mind on the subject?
  3. No i meant my prices ain’t steep !!
  4. Well when I get an invite letter maybe I will consider further. But I’ve not had one so it’s all academic atm. like I said, I do my bit to protect my customers and so do they. I’m not gung-ho steve, I’m responsible, just not very trusting of fat cats.
  5. Steve, when I visit people’s houses I sanitise my hands before and after I enter EVERY property,plus I wear a face mask for the duration of every visit. And not just a flimsy cloth one either. My wife caught Covid from her place of work. She is (or was) a pre school teacher. The virus was running rife through there with kids and staff contracting. No masks are worn in pre schools, and it’s impossible to keep hands sanitised.the windows were always closed because the staff who were also kids really were too stupid to wear jumpers when cold so just closed the windows and turned the heating up. You have your view and I have mine, we don’t and can’t agree on everything but we can be adult and be civil to each other. Don’t melt on us. When my turn comes around it will probably be more like Autumn/Winter, so there will be more evidence for me to look at and re consider.
  6. No I knew I had it, because I had the same symptoms but only around 25% strength to what my Mrs felt. Plus I never lost sense of taste and smell where she did. After 3 days I was fine, whereas she is one of those that suffers long Covid and is now going to be in a study programme. She is the only case that the doctors have heard of to catch two different variants in the same year. Let’s put it this way, I was ill but not unwell enough to stop me drinking my christmas stellas or eating all the food.
  7. Isn’t it always the way though.
  8. So I’m “churlish” because I feel the way I do? I think you niave to put so much trust in a profit grabbing company. But I’d never be churlish enough to tell you that!
  9. @JonC mate your so transparent.
  10. Geoff, having a vaccine does not make you immune to catching and spreading the virus. Nor does it prevent a virus mutating. It could actually be argued that a vaccine is more likely to mutate to combat the vaccine that is designed to suppress it. All the vaccine does is bolster your immune system to give you a better chance of fighting it if you were unfortunate enough to contract it.
  11. So I’m going to strip the braid off my small avet reel and replace it with 20lb mono for uptiding. Any recommendations ?? I’ve used F1 before and night Crystal but not for uptiding.
  12. That’s silly. Chemists don’t sell ice cream 2/10
  13. Yes and I fully understand that sentiment and support it completely. My parent have had their first jab and I’m happy for them, if it makes them and all who have it feel safer then that’s definitely not a bad thing. Having a jab though doesn’t stop you contracting or spreading a virus (before I get jumped on for being hesitant) it just gives you a stronger chance of fighting it off. I seem to have a strong immune system ATM, so as I said above , I’ll wait and see!
  14. Well, nothing in particular. If you didn’t already guess I’m very sceptical about anything government does, and I don’t mean just BoJo. In my eyes they are all the same, a bunch of pocket lining “I’m alright Jack” toss pots. Like most things in life money is in the forefront. I think that pharmaceutical companies have rushed the vaccines out without thorough long term testing in the pursuit of the biggest share of the prize pot. Having lived with a woman who has contracted COVID-19 twice in 10 months, it’s pretty clear to me that at the moment I’m pretty immune to it’s effects. Michaela was diagnosed in December with the Kent variant, I came down with some of the same symptoms a few days later but no where near like anything she had. If she was offered the vaccine tomorrow she would jump at it and I would 200% support her. But for me, I’d rather wait and see seeing as I have a relatively high tolerance of it
  15. That’s not what it is. Some people (and I’m one of them) won’t have any vaccination that has been rushed through. Not at least until it becomes apparent that there are no long term side effects.
  16. If @JDP were there he’d have free dived down and wrestled the fucker up.
  17. Nah, no way I’d be doing that. What about when you forget your flask or sandwiches? An outboard at least. But the pontoon walk is preferable.
  18. Now that’s a pollock !! 👍🏻💪🏻🎣
  19. Then maybe a rib is worth considering?? @GPSguru is your man for advice on those, he loves a throbbing lump of rubber between his legs!! 😉
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