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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Thank you Steve that’s very kind of you. I have however decided to go down the scan strut route with an arm out the back for gps, vhf antennas and an anchor light. I will most likely go down the active reflector made by echomax, I did look for a “see me” like you have but they seem to be no more.
  2. He’s useless at getting back to people. I gave up on him.
  3. @Gordmac I think it was an advert for the boat that had been built, just to show what you can have if your pockets are deep enough. Always worth giving them a call though to see if they know of any coming onto the market?
  4. 🤣 Not me mate, it’s all about the cutie pie in my arms. 👍🏻
  5. No mate, THIS is showing off 🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/p/BfVPGiCDmsL/?r=wa1
  6. Trust me Ian, I won’t be spending that much.
  7. My lad got Dusan Tadic’s shirt when we went to the Hawthorns and knocked West Brom out of the cup
  8. @Jon cook I dont know if this advert is still current, might be worth a phone call though....http://ifitfloats.co.uk/raider18.html
  9. So my strut bracket for the radome and reflector turned up today. Needless to say it’s gone straight back in the box to be returned. I don’t like it at all. No shine, sticks out a mile from the back of the strut and even the reflector was built to a bad finish. Back to the drawing board.
  10. @mike farrants ooh this could be a short but good game of top trump. I’ll see you Le God and raise you a Koeman.
  11. Always a blank saver! 👍🏻 Im not sure why @Andy135 hasn’t started his own diary of dogs tbh.
  12. Don’t worry you’ll learn. Give it time and all will become clear. 🐶
  13. I could think of other more suitable names for them Mike!
  14. It’s quite simply just not in your dna.
  15. This is possibly the closest contender Gord. Not cheap though. https://www.breakseaboats.com/evolution-30-evgrace/
  16. Leo is the same. He loves playing but won’t watch on tv. But he loves going to games and keeping an eye on the league table. I suppose it’s just one of those things that you grow up with. My dad followed Saints, and so do I. my dad fished and so do I. My dad had boats, you get the pattern. Now Leo is doing the same. I feel the same way about rugby as you do about football. I just don’t get rugby, don’t see the skill in it at all.
  17. Because you don’t follow football or a team. It’s something you’ll never understand.
  18. @suzook12 yes, the highs and lows. Saints being relegated to league 1 on minus 10 points. And then being promoted on two consecutive seasons straight back to the premier league. All these things are memories burned in to the brain forever.
  19. That’s just my point. I won’t be able to convince you. And I’m not trying to. If you don’t get it you just don’t get it. Simple.
  20. Those people are called “plastics” . Fans that follow a team for there glory and not because of where they are from. They are not real fans, hence the term. Or glory hunters if you like.
  21. @Andy135 you being a middle class lad from leafy Berkshire it’s not surprising you don’t get it 😇. Football is more than football. It’s not just about the replica shirts or the over priced season tickets or even the extra dosh to travel to away games. It’s about camaraderie, tribalism and representing where your from. There are moments in football that unless your there and are into the scene, people just will not understand. Feelings or overwhelming elation or like last night depression and sorrow. But it’s an experience you share with your mates. All 32’000 of them when at a home game. fishing is great. It’s a love and a passion. But there is more to be experienced in life, more powerful emotions. The only trouble with football is the fucking idiots that think they are some kind of mafia. Those who represent in the totally wrong way. But they are in general a minority. You will probably read this and say, what a soft head... and that’s ok. It’s ok, because you don’t get it!
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