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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Well done Mike. I like the way that as you get better as a fisherperson so do your excuses!!
  2. Greedy bream. That was it then? Or you still there waiting for another? It's 07.20 atm
  3. Well done for getting another boat Mick. Now just get out there and use the thing!!
  4. It's true, for his size he was pretty frisky!
  5. If you go into the AppStore and search 3D knots, there is a great app that will show you how to tie all kind of knots.
  6. Again, it depends on what you're fishing for. Generally I'll use 40lb mono. If you use a streamlined knot like the FG it'll pass through your tip rings no problem.
  7. Depends where you did really. And for what. Over rough/rocky ground I'll always use a rubbing leader. But if I'm just fishing for say bream then no. Don't for get the skin of a hound is like sand paper, if he gets rapped in line he could easily run through a thin mono or braid.
  8. Saintly Fish


    About which part? The deservedness or the free give away??
  9. That was a great example of a lazy person buying a boat without first looking at it. I reserve the right to the protection of the courts.
  10. @RogB personally I'd never buy a boat without a test run. Engines perform differently when under load than when just sat in a bucket idling. Any honest seller would understand that and make the effort to show off their boat by showing you what it can do. If it's newish I'd expect 2 sets of keys and the kill cord. Also a first, second service receipt or stamp in the service book. If the seller refuses to take you for a test ride, how do you know it's their boat and not lifted off a driveway somewhere?? Check all ownership papers and make sure the name on the paperwork matches the sellers ID!!
  11. Saintly Fish


    Most probably deserved though!! I don't give away insults for free!
  12. Yeah fancy being disappointed with a 20lb cod!! A double figure would be nice!
  13. Come on, that's my fav pick up.
  14. Nice to be out Steve regardless of the victim!!
  15. Can believe you still had a fender out FFS!!
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