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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Thanks Scott, I must admit I was bricking it just a bit!
  2. His reply back.... I had a sigh of relief too, there was no weeping or wet patches and I went pretty deep to. Yes I agree let's take the filler out and laminate the area for a nice repair. When is your boat due to be launched?
  3. My reply.. Ahh that's a relief that it's not too bad Lewis. I did pop down there this afternoon and noticed that the tunnel crack had slowed down with the weeping, so I'm glad about that. Would it be prudent to scrape away the epoxy fill repair from both sides of the tube and do it all again properly??
  4. This is interesting....... answers from International paints with regards to primocon.. Hi Can you confirm whether or not your primocon primer contains any ketones or not? Thank you Hi Neil Primocon has no ketones just checked with R&D. Regards Martyn Bridge Thank you Martin. Then would you say it’s safe to paint onto a transducer ? Regards Hi Neil Yes I would say it is.
  5. Some good news on this today ... Hello Neil I stopped by your boat today and opened up the two areas in question. The bow thruster tube has been repaired with a epoxy filler however one side or the repair had separated allowing water to pass through. The laminate looks dry and clean. The patch on the keel reveled 3 broken stainless screws antifouled or gel coated over. These had also opened up allowing water to pass through. The laminate looks dry. Both areas will dry within time for next month launch, I recommend grinding the screws down below the laminate followed by a fiberglass patch and gel coated over, primer the antifouling. Thanks lewis
  6. You bloody cheeky old F@#$¥?.... TBF he is wearing well for his age!
  7. Well, if your comfy with it then it’s worth a re think.
  8. Unfortunately for me it’s not no, my arms don’t stretch that far back and down under my swim platform . If I wanna clean it in need to get in and go under the platform. I’ve done it before, but there is only around 6” clearance so I have to hold my breath and go under. I’m not keen on that A, because the waters Fing freezing and B, constant boat traffic up and down the river makes the boat bob up and down, so risk of getting a smack on the top of the head is real.
  9. @Jon cook ok well in the mean time I’ll keep my eyes open.
  10. Ooooh careful you don’t get splinters next time you ride it!
  11. Yeah mines a bit old and decrepit for those kind of shananagins these days. Just likes the quiet lazy life. But at 13 he’s doing alright.
  12. You don’t really want me to unleash my gob do you Ian ??
  13. I’ve emailed international paints today because they say their AF paints can go on plastic transducers... https://www.international-yachtpaint.com/en/gb/support/boat-paint-expert-advice/applying-antifouling-to-transducer But I’m asking them now about their Primocon primer.
  14. Call me what you like , just don’t call me Shirley.
  15. Oh dear @Geoff you’ve rattled jeds cage. 😬
  16. I am still awaiting a reply from Hempel as to the ingredients of their AF!
  17. So Garmin have very lazily responded by copy and pasting the web material into an email . But it does back up what @Maverick was saying. Hi Neil, Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe. In certain environments, namely salt water, Garmin recommends painting the transducer with a water based, anti-fouling paint. Anti-fouling paint helps to hinder marine growth and maintain transducer performance. This also helps in boat maintenance by lowering the costs associated with hauling a boat for cleaning. Garmin recommends only using a water based, anti-fouling paint. Ketone-based paints should never be used. Ketone-based paints can weaken many plastics and possibly damage the transducer. Please note: Garmin does not recommend painting the paddlewheel portion or any moving parts of a transducer as this can cause restriction. If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know Kind regards, Robbe Marine Technical Support Garmin Europe
  18. Depending on your boats set up and what style your after... These are supposed to be versatile and good quality. https://www.railblaza.com/uses/boating/
  19. Good effort Graham . Made me laugh at the OH shit statement
  20. That’s a great looking lab. Such a lovely shinny coat.
  21. Don’t be like that, if it wasn’t for me stripping my cooling system you still wouldn’t have plucked up the courage to do yours!
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