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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yeah, it’s too old for me to get I reckon. Probably funny but only if your ancient like @captin slows old outlaw @Geoff and @GPSguru.
  2. I’m not laughing at fat jokes, it’s cruel.
  3. 🤣 he was helping today but just kept moaning his fingers aches. Easier to just buy another station.
  4. I’d of thought you’d have done division. 36 divide by 9
  5. This is the one I have. The side clamps are plastic springs and it’s there that mine has broken. But I’ve had it for about 9 years
  6. But then you can’t set the tension on the spool that the line is coming off. A station you can restrict how fast the line spills off.
  7. Any recommendations for a new spooling station?
  8. Yep I’ve done roughly that. I’ve just bought Leo a new Okuma SLX 10lx and put one third Pisces 18lb mono on to it first and then the other 2 thirds 28lb spectra. Now need a new spooling station as I’ve bust up my Berkeley one that I’ve had for a few years.
  9. My thinking is though that just braid means a shit load of braid is needed. Isn't the backing there to "pad out" the spool? 300m of braid takes up approx half the space of mono, so the retrieve is slower because the spool load is smaller. Padding out makes the retrieve more effective surely?
  10. From my local MP.. Dear Neil Thank you for contacting me about sustainable fishing in British waters and the access of large trawling vessels to our waters. I share your concern about the protection and health of British waters and I am fully aware of the impact that super trawlers have on marine life. Our waters are a precious natural resource and they must be managed carefully. The future of the communities that earn their livelihoods from the sea and the biodiversity of the ocean depends on a balanced and considered approach to fisheries management. The UK has 357 Marine Protected Areas covering a quarter of the country’s waters but the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy has restricted our ability to impose more stringent protections on our seas. I am pleased that now our future relationship with the EU has been agreed, the UK will be able to introduce stronger measures so that we can manage our waters as we see fit. The Fisheries Act will help to protect our marine resources and develop plans to restore our fish stock back to more sustainable levels. This builds on a manifesto commitment which promised to introduce a legal commitment to fish sustainably as we become an independent coastal state once again. I understand that the access of super trawlers to UK waters is of significant concern to local fishing communities and to those working to protect our seas. I am pleased that the Fisheries Act has provided the Government with powers to licence foreign vessels in UK waters. This means that any vessel granted access to our waters will also be required to abide by UK rules, including on sustainability, and I fully support this approach. I am pleased that we are once again in control of how we protect our waters. I understand that temporary licences have been granted to a handful of vessels to allow them to continue fishing in UK waters beyond 31 December 2020, and are valid until the 21st January 2021. I am pleased that the Prime Minister recently highlighted the freedom available to now manage our own fisheries, including ending the practice of pulse fishing and the potential to regulate the activity of large vessels sometimes referred to as supertrawlers. I look forward to hearing more details on this shortly, and in the meantime will ensure my Ministerial colleagues are aware of your strong feelings on this issue. I know that commercial fishing vessels must demonstrate a genuine link with the UK economy to fish our waters, which is important to ensure local communities benefit from the fishing activities of UK-registered vessels. I am pleased that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has consulted on options for strengthening this link. This consultation outlined plans to increase the landing requirements from 50 per cent to 70 per cent for quota catch caught by English registered vessels landing more than 2 tonnes per annum. I look forward to reading the Minister's response to this consultation which is due shortly. Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. Best wishes Royston Royston Smith | Member of Parliament Member of Parliament for Southampton Itchen
  11. When putting mono backing onto a multiplier, how much backing would you use? Half, a third or a quarter?
  12. Just heard a Dr. on TV saying that during this period of isolation while staying at home we should focus on inner peace. To achieve this we should always finish things we start and we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked through my house to find things i'd started and hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumun srciptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum. And two hash yer wands, stafe day avrybobby!!!
  13. Thanks Geoff for your sagely words of wisdom. Don’t you have something to get on with!! 🙄
  14. But there wouldn’t be a strut if I use that would there.
  15. Might have to do something like this. https://www.echomax.co.uk/new-products
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