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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Will somebody just answer my question rather than give suggestions on fixings?
  2. I’m not getting an arch I don’t like them. Not on my boat. As the radome casts forward why can’t they sit side by side ? Anyway, is my boat mass not enough to be picked up by another boats radar? Or does the reflector just boost a detection?
  3. Oh yeah I forgot you go by a different name over there and crusade all day long.
  4. Seeing as I have my radome on order, I’m also thinking about an eco max mini deflector. Question is, can I sight it right next to the radar either to the left or right of it? As king as it’s not forward of it, it should be ok ??
  5. I take it this subject has run its course then? A nail in its coffin so to speak.
  6. Give him a bell then Ian! As you know we are not allowed on to WSF to tap him up.
  7. The cone is part of the nut. It is what the anode sits over and then bolts to.
  8. I’m down there tomorrow, I’ll take a look.
  9. He’s repaired a snapped rod for me before Steve and his work is excellent. He’s an older boy though and think a bit stuck in his ways.
  10. Yep exactly , Stan was just awkward to deal with, which is a shame because his work is excellent, but not that great that I’m prepared to put up with the crap. I am the customer after all.
  11. You paid upfront ??? That’s never a good thing to do for anything.
  12. He didn’t want to produce ANY stickers, I had to do all the leg work. He didn’t want to do any wording in a font Leo wanted, only what he had, even though he could just down load the font. He didn’t want to do the writing in a colour Leo wanted and he didn’t want to do it in the time he said he would. I emailed UK hooks on the IOW as I have 3 of their rods, Mike there got Chris to call me. And after a 5 minute convo Chris’ reaction was.... Ok fine. Pop it in the post.! No arguments, no trying to change things, just an ok I’ll do it. What more can I ask for. I even got to pop an old snowbie travel rod in which needs new guides.
  13. You’ve seen my Zziplex rods, he built those. Leos rod should look like this (albeit this is an artists impression).
  14. Ok so an update on this. Stan is no longer the builder of choice. Having gone through all of Leo’s design with him, he came back and basically told me.... you can’t have that, you can have this but only in these colours. But I can’t do the design you want there. Oh and by the way. I can’t start til mid to late February. This after he told me mid Jan for completion. He ended up with not a great attitude to be honest. More of a take it or leave it. So I’ve fucked him off. I got an email from Chris Dance yesterday to tell me the rod had arrived!! Should be 2-3 weeks for returned product.
  15. On my parker the switch was in the wheel house and a kill cord on the external helm as an interrupter .
  16. How do you tell when enough of a line is set out? The reason I ask is because whenever I’ve tried it the line always ends up looking as if he weight has just gone down tide.
  17. Don’t forget you would need the addition of a kill switch and cord on the external helm.
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