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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yeah well, I’m my world I never count vat. Sorry Steve it’s just the way I is. Vat is reclaimable on goods.
  2. A grand plus? It was £600 at the start!
  3. Glad to hear it Geoff 👍🏻
  4. If a small company that operates and requires that level of protection doesn’t have it Steve then they will soon be closing down. So it is feasible if they want to continue trading because it’s a case of have to have !!
  5. @Geoff you are very much like my neighbours(and others of course). They are so scared that they never go out. But, and this is not being deliberately controversial or flippant, what’s the point in being alive if your not living? I do hope that soon the older generation get the protection that they deserve. Because us younger members will suffer when (not if) we catch it but probably not to the degrees of the elderly. I can’t believe that my wife has had it twice now in 9 months and I’ve had nothing more than a cold and an achy kidney for a day or two. When she’s been bed ridden for days.
  6. No not at all Steve. I’m just stressing the point that however you spend it, somebody will have your £600 off you. Be it the tax man or the PPE man. I know where I’d rather spend it.
  7. This kind of apparatus is mainly used for the professional worker? Ie a company with good h&s or a self employed person? Either way, to a company the cost is irrelevant. It’s all tax deductible so what you spend on great equipment just means you don’t have to give it over in tax instead. If you don’t buy it, you’ll spend the money with the chancellor instead.
  8. Sorry to hear your bad news Steve. The fact that the disease is here is 100% true indeed. Just ask my Mrs, she’s had it twice this year. The conspiracy theories to how and why it showed up are all very interesting however.
  9. Yes way to thick to creep out. We are in constant high water. But by the time we would have got to the mark, leaving 3 hours later we would have arrived at slack water. Then only had 90 mins of fishing before the tide became too strong to hold bottom. It just wasn’t worth the trip. We are looking again at tomorrow. At least the tide will be an hour later than today so chances of a longer sesh is possible.
  10. We didn’t go Pete. Been sat here since 05.15 waiting to see if the fog will lift. It’s only just become visible but now missed the tide. Typical
  11. I’m going to bed in about an hour. Got to be up at 05.30 to go fishing. Hoping that the pea souper that’s here at the mo buggers off!
  12. Happy 2021 to you too Pete. And all of you other Outlaws. Let’s hope the next ones better than the last!🤞🏻
  13. I’ll just have to wait for the suzi special
  14. I’ve heard some tall tales, but this one is by far the most unbelievable .
  15. Can you strip one and send me the power handle?
  16. Yes but not the more intellectual.
  17. A lover not a fighter eh Luke!
  18. Shot, imagine trying to cut the eye off that sucka
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