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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Never mind Steve, there's always next year , or your birthday. 70’s a biggie
  2. That’s allowed provided one of them is uninvited.
  3. Will be cold, an adults only trip probably!
  4. Weather for the next 3-4 days is stopping play. I’m looking at the forecast for the 30/31st.
  5. That’s how it all starts mate, let them get their foot in the door with the van and who knows where it ends up..... next you’ll be running a prestige 32
  6. You can get her some personalised cushions!!
  7. Can’t help but think that this is said with a healthy dollop of sarcasm!.🤔
  8. Hi Luke, we got it at zazzle.co.uk
  9. Ok who can suggest the best rod guide manufacturers for Leo’s rod re build? He wants high quality stainless or chrome!!
  10. Nothing camper than a camp Christmas at Suzi’s camp!
  11. Merry Christmas to all you Offshore outlaws. Have a great day.Here’s to a better 2021.
  12. Probably doesn’t show up on Geoffs wind up pc.
  13. Sadly not,no. But good luck if you get to go.
  14. @Jon cook This has just come up for sale from one of my fishing club members.
  15. Most of my fishing this year has been about getting the youngsters on the fish (that includes @Andy135). I have blanked on most trips (not). Seeing my Leo bring in his first undulate ray all on his little own was the highlight. Also getting the wife out fishing straight after lockdown ended and her reeling in her first ever fish. All in all it’s been a cracking year!
  16. Very nice Jon. Good to see cheesy grins all round👍🏻
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