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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. @Gordmac not looking at this one are you? https://www.youboat.com/uk/d/motorboat/rodman/rodman-940/290345 If so, be very aware of the seller!
  2. Don’t get yer canines into this too!
  3. I don’t want an arch as it will ruin the lines of my boat. I prefer the look of a strut but just wondered if there was an advantage over either.
  4. My anchor light is installed at the front of the wheelhouse roof. The radome will need to be at the back. Probably on a 6” strut. Will this pick up the anchor light or is it too small?
  5. @GPSguru you got any thoughts on this Ian? Also why are some struts angled and some straight?
  6. What’s best for the installation of a new radome? A strut or an arch? And why?
  7. It’s a phone setting thing. Crop your photo by a mm before uploading, it seems to sort it. Welcome back. Wanna hoodie?
  8. I like. Can’t see @JonCbeing interested though. There’s no boys.
  9. If you get stuck you can fly @JDP in to snorkel down to free it.
  10. Why would you loose it? Don’t be so negative. It’s on a line.
  11. You fucker. I don’t see the issue. Your loaded.
  12. It’s ok, my lad knows a version of “Jesus Christ superstar”. Not one he’s sing at the school nativity.
  13. How about that underwater drone I told you about . I have a crazy idea now is it? (Apart from the initial cost of course)
  14. I’ll tell you what’s down there when you fish them......... dogfish.
  15. Suppose it depends on your insurance policy. Best people to tell you would be your insurance company. Wont your fancy Lawrence gear give you clear enough info on the subjects in question? Or is there a certain type of detail you’d like to know more about?
  16. Think I’ll teach my 9 year old that one. We can sing it to mummy on Christmas morning. 🤣
  17. I have enjoyed your other blogs Alan, but I must say I got bored half way through and gave up. Well written but not of interest to me. Thank you for sharing though.
  18. Absolutely, that’s why I have my Zziplex rods. I love them. They are so light and feel real reliable.
  19. Stan is going to do my lads rod re build in the new year. I’ve had some OO transfer/stickers made for the blank. Actually had 12 made, 4 each of three different colours so Leo can choose the one that will best match his design.
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