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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. It will be used to transport boat stuff to the boat!
  2. Well that just about hoovered up all the power from this running joke.
  3. Hi Gordon. Welcome to the outlaws. How did you find out about this forum if you don’t mind? Neil
  4. Yes but he’s grounded.
  5. Good job he has his lightning bright wit
  6. Good job Lukes no melting snowflake.
  7. Thats bad news @240z, but on the bright side just look at the fact that you can be safe in the knowledge that all is 100% now.
  8. The ice cube trick? I’m referring to what @ever optimistic was describing. Ice cubes or blocks if you prefer weighted and chucked into the water near the fishing area. A slowish way of ground baiting and scent laying. Im not convinced it will be too successful due to the tide carrying the scent away too quick, but worth a go.
  9. Ok thanks Alan. Should a little silicone grease be used to ease the larger size in?
  10. I’ve often thought about the fish food ice cube trick. Never got round to it though as I don’t have the freezer capacity or the workshop space to try it. But with the extension plans the Mrs has that may well change.
  11. Hi Shaun thanks for joining and sharing your boat with us. Looks like a proper nice vessel. Do you fish from it or just use for leisure boating?
  12. This is one for @240z. Alan, every time I go down to my boat the seal on the sliding door has started to pop out. I slide it back in and carry on. Next time I go the same thing has happened. How do I combat this? Silicone? Or is the seal in need of replacement , it doesn’t leak.
  13. I’d probably want one then if I moored like that.
  14. You should ask him about how HE found his boat.
  15. @thejollysinker has Andy told you about how he came to acquire Jersey girl?
  16. Maybe we should drift his thread like he does to everyone else’s.
  17. I suppose it depends on where you moor and the quality of the marina. Most decent marinas will have lights on the main pontoon to give some guidance. Mine does, and then I just follow the track on the plotter back to the pontoon. I have a high powered torch and a head light should I need it. Nothing wrong with a spot light though. Personal choice I reckon.
  18. Oh god....... here we go again..
  19. #idiotsenoughtoimaginewhtaguyholdinga20lbcodlookslike🙄
  20. He don’t need to now does he! You've done it for him.
  21. Tesco said there is no naughty list this year. 👅
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