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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I’ll take you out one day Jon. Not like the other one who just promises.
  2. Absolutely Ian, he’s already asking for the next trip! Now he needs to learn to tackle up and put his own bait on! I love it that he’s so into it, fishing buddy for life.
  3. Well Leo did. It’s all I’ve heard since getting home. 😩
  4. I give you a laugh emoji purely because we lack a groan one.
  5. Yeah @Andy135 managed to pull the jaw out of a huge fish today too. Shame we will never know what it was. #ihitmyfishliketysonhitsbruno
  6. Dont be lazy now, let’s have a proper report with pics ! 👍🏻
  7. Thanks for sharing with us Alan. Sounds like (by the photos) that you had a good session. don’t leave it so long to return to us, we always need fresh meat to laugh at or be laughed at by! 👍🏻
  8. The alarm was set for 05.00, and in true excited school boy fashion I was up at 04.56. Coffee and mini weetabix then time to wake the boy. We had a date with @Andy135and his son Thomas. At half past silly o’clock Leo and I were on the boat getting things organised. 07.10 the others arrived and off we set... The weather was perfect, NNW 6mph breeze onto a flat calm solent. As we prepared to turn to starboard and west to the mark, we were greeted by nearly a super moon. Well at the least a great sunrise.. The destination was West Lepe bouy and the quarry was cod. Yes I know... hopeful to the last. The session started well with Andy into a ........... wait for it........ can you guess......?? Yep a dog fish. I think a couple were had by the boys who quickly claimed to be “in the lead”. Catch up time. Well that didn’t happen🙄.... Leo proceeded to go and catch the fish of the day.... At first we thought he was snagged to the bottom, but after I gave it some constant leverage the thing moved. Back the rod goes to Leo to wind it up the rest of the way. And what a job he did... Expert rodmanship soon saw Andy spring into action with the net, He had done it, a superb 15lb undulate ray was his reward. And how chuffed was he.. His first ever ray and his biggest fish to date. Good lad. Next catch was up to Andy, and what a complete surprise this one was, you can make your own judgements on wether this was skill or not. (IM SAYING NOT). This was a first to see for all of us. An Anemone had swallowed Andys lead weight whole. No wonder that was the end to the fishing. If the anemones prefer lead to fish baits, what chance did we have of catching fish? None was about right. I think we had another couple of dogs, a couple of whiting and a pout. Still you can’t have it all, a cracking days weather And the chance to catch up on your social media! Thanks for the company Andy and Thomas, my ears have just stopped ringing. Next time though quiet=fish.
  9. Andy and I are hitting the solent nice and early to try not to catch cod. You out Luke?
  10. @jonnyswamp, Nick what was that solution you put on your hull to make it shine?
  11. Handy that you can get your boat on the roof though 👍🏻👍🏻
  12. Yeah and is common as muck. Who wants that. Give me the lottery bike any day ta. It’s nice to stand out a bit. the same analogy about being sat in the garage could (with imagination) be flipped onto our boats too. I do understand what you say about the lavarda and MV, and 20 years ago all I could afford was a CBR600fw. And I didn’t regard that as cheap. But these days, if I had a choice between a kwaka or a pretty looking gem that was as unreliable as a LR I’d still go for the gem. I’ve never been a fan of Kawasaki’s , don’t know why, they just never did it for me. I’d did have a nice jap import ZX4 in around 1993. It was very nice but nowhere near as fun as my RD350lc that proceeded it.
  13. Light tackle, the monsters sure to show up then Martin. Have a great day!
  14. Well you may not have been overly impressed with the species Ian but I for one am dead jealous. I think I managed a total of 3 mackerel this season. They are as rare as Cod round here. Glad you got out and had a dangle. Hopefully I’ll have a report to put up tomorrow.
  15. I use a tube heater on a thermostat in the engine bay. And in the saloon a dehumidifier , these give off some warm, just enough to keep above freezing temp in the real cold. I leave all doors and cupboards open to allow air circulation.
  16. Which one did you go for the 2000 or 3500?
  17. For Geoff I think you need to give another year on top Pete.
  18. Not at all to either of you. Jons after a boat for money that is near what your asking. You have a boat that is near what Jons after. Seems logical to me that rather than spend less on a boat then kit it out, but a boat that’s tip top and already fully kitted. Whats not to like?
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