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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yep and at £150 a pop they made the re build too expensive to warrant. His 8-12lb Zziplex is 8ft and he handles that just fine. So the Ugly stick won’t be a problem.
  2. Seeing as he is a Southampton fan I reckon red and white will be quite heavily featured.
  3. Anybody know someone who produces this kind of graphic to go on a rod?
  4. Watch this space for the first offshore outlaws custom rod!!
  5. No Problem, you may just have “that” nugget of info !!
  6. I did last night buy Leo an ugly stick gx2 12-20lb rod as a Christmas present. Then I am going to get him to design his own customisation. The rod will then get stripped, re built with superior fittings and bling’d to his own design
  7. I did see that but for a 9 year old £200 on a used rod before it’s rebuilt and customised is too much.
  8. Hi Gary. Welcome to the site. We hope you enjoy it, get stuck in where you can. Neil
  9. Saintly Fish


    @mick why not go for the 7”?
  10. Saintly Fish


    Hi Mick the 5” has been discontinued I’m afraid.
  11. I’m going to try this later. One of my all time favourite songs. Better not be ruined or your in trouble!
  12. I’m so glad we didn’t invite you here for your humour skills! 👍🏻
  13. Oh ok, that’s bad and sad. I didn’t realise he was ill. If you see him please pass on my regards.
  14. Tbf, that tap link was from the bristan web site. Buying direct from a manufacturer is never a great idea. It was meant more as a source of info rather than a go buy it here suggestion. Your a smart cookie Jon (tight wad), I knew you’d google it for discounts.
  15. Is it my imagination or did I buy it from you Luke? Or did you put me on to it on eBay? Somewhere I’m sure you were involved.
  16. Same. The sea fishing one only stocks shit cheap rods . Cost them to much to stock decent stuff on the hope that somebody flush comes along to buy it. the mark up is horrendous though. I bought a beach rod for 50% rrp because the shop owner left his catalogue open on the counter and I spotted what it cost him to buy. He paid £100 and sold at £300.
  17. I think that’s ever optimistic.....
  18. How old was your lad though Steve when he landed the tope?
  19. Because Luke has nothing more eggciting to offer !
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