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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. It moves about a 5th of the way then returns back to the start. I have cleaned it and striped it but can see the problem. My eye sights not what it was though.
  2. Think I’ll send it off for repair. @Maverick does Dave still belong to the PBSBAC massive? Is he still repairing reels?
  3. Tackle shop round my way don’t stock anything other than the usual. And then they will only have one size.
  4. Yes Jon but it’s ok, I found the forth laying on the dogs towel by the back door! F’ing level wind still don’t work though. 😡
  5. Ive ust stripped the Abu because the lever wind stopped working. I e only got 3 of the little black things. should there be four?
  6. My minds a bit scrambled on this one! 4/10
  7. Yes that’s what I meant. It’s light enough for him to comfortably hold. I just think it’s a bit too whippy for him if a larger fish was to come around. It’s perfect for small hounds etc because he feels like he’s in a battle. But if he wants to catch double figure snakes (he’s not satisfied with single figure examples) then I’m going to need to beef his tackle up. I just don’t want to go too big that he’s knackered just holding the rod. I suppose a 15-20 or there about a would do.
  8. Ok so, what I’m trying to establish is what weight a rod can handle. Leo has an 8-12lb class rod but he wants to catch bigger fish (don’t we all). The rod is light enough for him though and I don’t want to over power him. Not sure what to go for.
  9. What weight can an 8-12lb, or 20-30lb class rod actually handle ? is it the weight of fish they are designed for or the strength of line you should use on them?
  10. Cheers for the report Scott. as Andy said, better out there than sat at home.
  11. A new Jack Johnson in the making ?
  12. I have this issue as well. The way I get round it is to very slightly edit the photo before uploading it to the site. Just click edit , then bring the side of the photo or the top in by a mm. Click done then it will be fine .
  13. So far the weekends looking promising. 🤞🏻
  14. Yours looks kind of like mine with a single bolt through the middle. On my Yanmar the plate needed a bit of gentle persuasion with a rubber mallet to get it unstuck. if you do tap it a few times, I take no responsibility for the result, unless it’s a good one!
  15. Good one Josh. You had our cod last time remember.
  16. He took me because I always get him on the fish when he’s on my boat. I think he wanted me to drive his boat and find him some numbers to pinch really.
  17. @iowspence, Jon was talking about himself. You do know he has the power don’t you?
  18. I actually moved my boat further away from me to a marina I preferred . It was a tough decision. I doubled the travel time from home to boat. I now have to drive 12 not 6 minutes.
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