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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. What is this .......?? A competition between you and @Geoff to see which one of you can be the cheekiest slow boat builder the world has ever seen or what?
  2. Ive already got them and it’s still crap. That’s why I want a more powerful router than the VM one (which by all accounts is a crap router) coupled to repeaters for maximum impact. Or not as the case will probably be.
  3. I want POWER.... is there a rating I should look for ?
  4. I’ve been reading that using the VM router as just a modem and adding a separate WiFi router is a good option to improve WiFi signal. Any recommendations for a good WiFi router?
  5. It was actually a real pleasant evening after 7pm. I think too much fresh water washed into the river though
  6. Ok so, it’s not big and it’s not a flounder. But it has saved a blank.
  7. @GeoffLeo chose to stay home and watch movies with mummy and the dog. I’m the only mad one. Having said that the spot is sheltered from the wind and the rain has stopped..... for now!!
  8. I’ve arrived and the rain has stopped , TFFT . now a ten minute walk through a farmers field and I can start blanking.
  9. Definitely gunna need the snorkel... Rain should stop by 7pm. That’ll give me and my gear plenty of time to get soaked.
  10. Ok so just about to set off. It’s chucking down with rain and 40mph winds. I must be mad. got my AFAW estuary rod mk2 ready and a small travel rod stand. it’s one rod roaming with rag worm on a basic running ledger. What could possibly go wrong?
  11. I’m hatching a plan for tonight. Spare rag worm on the river for flounders. Am I man enough to brave the weather (shadow wants to come too)?
  12. Yes a blank evening for me😩 still it was nice to be out with Leo and Andy. Leos first night time shore trip so he was well prepared.
  13. What a great venue that is for a concert. I saw iggy pop and the foo fighters there. It was awesome
  14. No, it’s not. Hopefully when the weather moves off we can get out and try again though. Let’s face it the trying is the main enjoyment.
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