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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. What’s a cod is the general reply round here these days. Ones that I have seen caught have been 4.5lb but that’s in late September. I’ve not caught one for the past two seasons.
  2. Here lies your mistake. You hexed your own trip. School boy error. never mind, it’s still good to get out. Thanks for sharing and letting us southerners know it’s not just us who can’t catch cod. 👍🏻
  3. I’ve offered you a shit hot deal on a brand new unit and you want andy’s cast offs 🙄
  4. I take it you put this video up just for @JonC’s advantage? The 2.26min in section was for him right?
  5. That’s sad. At least you’ve got a good comedy anecdote of it to remember though.
  6. A long time ago I was out with my dad in his kit car......
  7. And if it had been you back flipping out the boat he’d never get you back in!
  8. Welcome Graham. Nice to have you onboard . 👍🏻
  9. That’s why they stick to the hand held types because the marina is under the Southampton airport flight path .
  10. Quite often the boat training team in the marina opposite my house let off candle stick flares as a demo.
  11. Friday night looks best. Saturday 40mph winds straight in the face.
  12. That must be your lamest effort yet. Crap tune played by a total plank who’s on a stunning boat. I don’t get these youngsters..... how come none of them have eyes rolling to the back of their heads?
  13. I was going to suggest cut the legs off and make shorts.
  14. I used to keep my first boat on a trailer on the drive. My drive is a 30deg slope. Back then before I converted the garage I used to have a 12v lorry winch bolted to the floor with a remote control so I could winch the boat up and down the drive to get it hitched up. Always did this with assistance. One day I fancied a trip out on my own, so lowered the boat down to the road (I live in a crescent so it’s quiet), I put a choc under only one wheel thinking I’d done both 🤷🏻‍♂️, anyway I released the winch cable and the jockey wheel moved and the whole boat span 180. It started to roll down the hill heading toward the lounge of the house opposite the end of my road. Luckily to make space I’d moved my car onto the pavement , I just managed to make it to the front of the trailer and divert it to the left where it promptly buried itself into the rear bumper of my Audi . Soon after I gave up trailering and got a pontoon berth!
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