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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Omg JonC is going to be so moist right now. Very nice looking boat, what is it?
  2. You’ll need an F’ing big boat then !
  3. Oh dear.... didn’t mean to open up old wounds...
  4. A giant whiting for me ! or a Grouper or a GT
  5. Uptight ? Me? Nah I’m happy for the big guy, he’s been wanting this for at least 18 months.
  6. Look just because our humour is too high brow for you to understand, there’s no need to go all #imagingeralien on us.
  7. At the age of around 10 I’d heard of this bloke called Jon from the IOW. He was a nut for boats and had had a few. That was my inspiration. To own more boats than JonD. Not sure if I’m quite there yet but will keep trading. Oh and I used to go boating with my dad who sent me to sailing school at 11 where I sailed single handed to the IOW after my second lesson. My dad had a mirror dingy which we used to sail in the bay that my home looks out over now. He would be mad for it and go sailing in hurricanes and thunder storms. It was fun tbh. After that he had a 5m inflatable, not a rib but a big old heavy black rubber thing. Used to stink, but we caught some big fat flounders from it. That was it, I was hooked. And I’ve been wasting money on boats ever since. If I totalled up how much I’ve spent I could probably retire tomorrow. But where’s the fun in that ? I’d much rather be working for the next 20 years and have boats along the way 👍🏻
  8. That’s because he never took it out, apart from to take photos of scrap metal.
  9. Hi Jon and welcome. This is a monumental day for JonC. Since he learnt of your arrival this morning he’s been like a dog with two dicks. You will never truly understand the amount of man love JonC has for you. All he talks about on WhatsApp is how in awe he is of your legendary tales from Aus. I think you’ve really made his day. Having said that, I am going to have to double check your IP addresses to make sure your not the same person !! Good to have you here regardless !
  10. You can’t even catch them Jon!
  11. Are you sure you just didn’t miss ?
  12. Sadly not, it’s a JonP ripoff .
  13. Sounds like a bathroom refit job!
  14. Be quiet, that’s my fav Shimano hoodie. All the way from JonD land.
  15. What was the conclusion in the end Steve ?
  16. This baby was caught right out side Cowes harbour .
  17. I agree with Martin, fair play Steve. I know I’d rather be fishing or scratching my balls than doing a boat project. But do love to watch one progress. Good luck.
  18. Yes I’d go back, it’s a fantastic place. fishing at home is fishing at home. It is what it is, if you don’t embrace what you have then you’d never go fishing. the solent is a great area, especially on a boat.
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