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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Saintly Fish


    Now, that is a monster plaice !
  2. Lol, think my phone was playing up when I (didn’t) read the posters name. 🥺
  3. Great fish, well done that man.
  4. What American site did you copy and paste that from Steve ?
  5. Not caught one for a couple of seasons now, and yes I’d had a hat on most of the day.
  6. Well the specifics are yet to be arranged. First we gauge interest. I’m thinking if we get boats from the east and west then the Hamble is a central point for all . But like I say , it will be based on support and numbers .
  7. You could always freedom berth on the Hamble Martin . 3 mdl to choose from. 👍🏻
  8. Don’t worry Jon, when you grow up you maybe able to get yourself one. The hope is not lost.
  9. As your a solent boy maybe you’ll be interested in this next year ?
  10. Ok, she looks real sturdy. What engine has she and what sort of performance ?
  11. A fine looking craft. What is she ? Welcome to the forum BTW .
  12. I reckon a Jeep is a good bet. I used to tow with an Audi A4 estate, that did ok.
  13. We’ve not covered this one for a while, so go on have a ball.
  14. Very nice boat, good to see the yellow vest wrapped around the outboard leg. Safety first ! I hope you managed to stop the bloke trying to steel your car though
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