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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Nice. Looks like a swift little machine. What’s it like to fish from?
  2. Hi Manic I think I remember you from WSF (although a long time ago now). Hope you enjoy the site. get an intro up and tell us all about YOU !👍🏻
  3. Others will be along to offer more assistance and ideas ! 👍🏻
  4. A Tramp goes into a bar and orders a beer. The barman is a little concerned and asks if he can pay. The Tramp replies "If I show you the most amazing thing you've ever seen, will you let me have a pint for free?" The barman says, "Show me and I'll consider it." So the Tramp reaches into his bag and pulls a hamster. The hamster run down the bar, hops onto a bar stool, then the floor and over to the piano. The hamster opens the lid and starts playing. The hamster plays Chopin, ragtime, and Gilbert and Sullivan. The barman says, "I am impressed" and brings the Tramp a pint of best bitter. After a while the Tramp asks for another beer. The barman says "We agreed to one beer" So the Tramp replies "If I show you something more amazing, will you give me another beer?" The barman says, "Okay, but you be will hard to beat the hamster". Meanwhile the hamster continues to play. The Tramp reaches into his bag again and pulls out a frog. The frog hops down to join the hamster. The frog grabs the microphone and begins to sing along with the hamster who is still playing the piano. The Tramp is given his second pint. A customer at the end of the bar has been watching the performance. He walks over to the Tramp and says, "I work in the theater and I'd like to buy that frog. Will you sell the frog for £50?" The Tramp says no so the man raises it to £100. The Tramp agrees and hands over the frog. As the man is leaving, the barman says to the Tramp "Why did you sell the frog, it must be worth more than £100!" The Tramp replies, "Not at all, the hamster is also a ventriloquist."
  5. Do you have a drain plug on the transom ? maybe an idea to put on a trailer with blocks at the front so the stern is as low as possible. See what water runs backward . @Suzook12 is a knowledgeable chap he has about 12 shetlands and not much he doesn’t know. Also @Geoff is a very knowledgable guy, even if a bit sloth like !
  6. Just check that any old screwed holes etc have been filled properly. They have a reputation for rotting transoms. I have a mate who’s just bought a family four this summer, he went down yesterday after 3 weeks and found 2 inches of water in the cabin !! 😬
  7. I love the way you’ve bumped this ad up to the top above the other 3. 🤣
  8. Thanks for sharing. Every day is a learning curve with boats. It becomes addictive. nice little boat the Shetland , I used to own a 570. I hope you’ve had the transom checked ?
  9. What’s your brand of choice ? I’m a vaillant man.
  10. Some companies just think the whole world are idiots. I am sure though that plenty of the not so savvy paying public do actually employ these people at those rates. #theripoffmarineindustry
  11. A few guys on here trailer boats so, I’m sure you won’t have to wait long for an answer. My boat weighs 4 tonne so I’m unable to help sorry.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. we hope you find it informative. Don’t be scared to ask questions. mid you trailer , we are going to try and arrange a boat meet in the solent next summer . look for the thread and register your interest 👍🏻
  13. Hi Patrick welcome to the forum. There are plenty of experts to give you advice on your first boat. Muck in, get to know people and ask as many questions as possible. No such thing as a stupid question if you don’t know the answers ! 👍🏻
  14. Glad you sorted it out ok. What you could have done with was a mate who would lend you a hole saw kit !!
  15. Grab a hat for winter. just £16.50 inc p&p
  16. What’s the best way to combat the dreaded purple gorilla pubes, or any other thick weed? is it just a case of speed fishing or are there other techniques employed to minimise the collection ?
  17. Please put up an intro about yourself ! 👍🏻
  18. A little back ground reading about the outlaws ..
  19. Welcome Dicky. Glad you made it over ! make yourself at home and get to know the locals. Nobody bites but a couple lick windows ! Stick up an intro if you like , let us know about yourself and your fishing etc.
  20. Don’t be down Luke. It’s ONLY fishing !
  21. Ahhh the old broken boiler excuse, I’ve used it well myself (just to get out the house).
  22. You’d better brush the crumbs off your tummy Jon before they get soggy. Or they’ll never wash out of your string vest.
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