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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. No me neither. Even if I get the opportunity to I can’t stay asleep past 06.15. 😢
  2. Well if you get up before your usual 10am awakening, you’d be able to fit more into your day.
  3. If you don’t have any, PBSBAC have a set of club moulds. Maybe a PM to Brian or Martin and you’d be able to borrow them ?
  4. Thought I’d better intro myself. Been fishing since about the age of 10 so not long compared to the rest of you. I own a Starfisher 840 and fish the solent and surrounding areas. I have an unfair rep for being a bit camp because my Mrs put stripy cushions and curtains in our boat. But hey, whatever ! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ive known most of the guys on here for around 2-3 years and have enjoyed many a piss take, it never seems to get old. Don’t tell them but they’re a great bunch to virtually hang out with .
  5. I love the adhesive filled heatshrink. But do check wiring correct first once heated only way back involves sidecutters! Welcome to the Offshore outlaws. We don’t have many women here apart from @JonC who’s a BIG girl. So anyWI member is welcome. What branch do you represent ?
  6. Wouldn’t normally stop you . If anyone can catch a 🐶🐠 on lures it’s you !
  7. I like most anglers have many rods as back up !! 👍🏻😇
  8. They are a favourite because they are cost effective and good value for money. my main rods are zziplex UK hooks. but at £300 a pop, not many people have them.
  9. White lures at night is a new one on me. I always was told dark lures for dark conditions.
  10. My mate caught a codling from brown down today ! Where were you ?
  11. So Pete and I were on the boat at 8.45 this morning. I was hoping that after filling the coolant we could just push off and go on a sea trial. But as these things go it never happened. fired up the engine and we got a puff of exhaust gas right up Pete’s nose. Oh dear I said. being that the turbo is in quite an awkward position and yesterday I forgot my glasses, I thought that I’d maybe not aligned things quite right . so we stripped off the clamp and re aligned. Same problem. another two attempts with the same results saw me break out the temp gum exhaust paste. Just a slither around each side of the gasket and all was well. No smoke in the engine bay. Horaah ! by this time it was 11am and I had to get home to take Leo for another riveting under 10’s footie match. Leo and his team won comfortably 6-1 !! Pete, iou a trip out mate 👍🏻
  12. Thanks for your help this morning Pete, glad to eventually get the issue solved and sorted just sorry we never made it out for a sea trial . Especially as you got up extra early !
  13. Well done Dave, hopefully it helps you catch more fish .
  14. Yeah that’d be great. But, if it doesn’t I’ll have Pete to blame 👍🏻
  15. He’s done nothing but go on about his boat and splicing ! 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. Thanks Geoff, it’s taken Jon and I a fair while behind the scenes to pull this off. We are glad you finally made it to the party !!
  17. So I picked up the refurbed turbo this morning.. it looks pretty good to me... so after parting with £680 + vat, I headed down to the boat to start to fit it on.. 4 hours later and an achy back, I’m all connected back up. just the coolant to re fill tomorrow and then run her up to see how good a job the turbo shop (and me) have done ! 😬
  18. You and Jon can hop in with me Steve ! Or you can accompany Pete .
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