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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yeah but it wasn’t my boat so it was slowly in, build up speed gradually then slow to come out. she tracked beautifully with no slide or cavitation .
  2. Did you actually listen to mine or just throw yours over the top ?
  3. LOL funny you say that, whilst we were coming back there was a whiff of shit in the cab. I thought it was you !!
  4. Don’t know why they have all come out sideways. Camera was held up right the whole time 🤬
  5. Andy, great to meet up again, many thanks for the invite to share in your special moment. I could tell you were a bit nervous when we left the safety of the fork lift, but you soon settled into her . A good afternoon out with some giggles , and proper belly laughs (at Jons expense). Here’s a couple more shots from today..
  6. Hi Pete id get two ugly sticks with a level wind reel. 12-20lb and 20-30lb Then 30lb braid.
  7. I don’t have any, can’t you read ? I’m a novice who you should be nurturing not tormenting.
  8. No need for that, I’m sure your big gob will have all bases covered ! anyway, that’s no way to treat a novice lure chucka, your supposed to encourage. I suppose you saw the potential and got scared I might steal your glory.
  9. Hiya Bones, nice to see someone showing Tadpole how it’s done. welcome to the forum 👍🏻
  10. Do you have shares in brew dog? if only you’d put as much effort into advertising a boat fishing forum .
  11. Cheers. your blue cans going a bit off coloured.
  12. Ooooo, I can feel a race on the cards. Andys boat should do around 40 knots . I’ll let you know tomorrow !!
  13. You obviously only look at pictures too then. Jon mentions his dogs quite a lot .
  14. It’s for any predatory fish, mainly bass and flounders. I have caught mullet on them before but it’s not easy and only possible right at the end of the season when they gorge on anything before shooting off for the winter.
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