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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Ok, so being a technical dullard, my chart subscription has run out. I've renewed no problem, bought a new SD card to put the info on. Ive down loaded the new charts to my active captain app and transferred the data (I think), but I've now lost all my fishing marks and relief shading from the app and plotter. Marks are not really an issue as I know where they are physically. But not having the relief shading is pissing me off. I'm sure this happened last year but I can't remember what I had to do to sort the issue. Any ideas?? Im fed up sat here for an hour trying to work through the settings and getting nowhere.
  2. And I'll send a couple of patches!!
  3. Actually quite good for you Luke. 7/10
  4. @Herbs73 you have just won two trophies. First one is for worlds longest thread title . Second is for worst step dad ever who tried to cook his step son alive, whilst pretending to fish!! 🤣
  5. No, I'm still a useless cop out.
  6. One make of line we don't really see here in the UK. I love shimano stuff as it's all very well built from the cheapest to the most expensive. However, line is something you just don't see much of. Ive not googled this but I'd bet it would have to be imported.
  7. You are not wrong there!! Good catching.
  8. The canopy only goes up when required. It's not a permanent fixture as they are a bit of a ball ache to fit.
  9. That's tu Fred's in one day Jon's managed to disrupt!!
  10. Let's just say your in the corner, but soon to be on the naughty step!
  11. Senior Leadership Team. aka @Saintly Fish@JonC and @ginge.
  12. Maybe you can cook for the SLT, and we will review!!
  13. 🖕🏻it'll take your weight so that's all that matters.
  14. I had skate wings before in a pub, it was fucking horrible 🤢
  15. Two old builders that like to do things the traditional way. And yes, decent nails not screws. 90mm
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